Humanitarian crises can affect women, men, girls and boys in radically different ways. To address the different impacts of conflict and disasters on each group and promote the potential for positive transformation of gender norms, Oxfam calls for humanitarian agencies to analyse, plan, and respond t...o crises in ways that address practical gender needs and promote women’s rights. Oxfam is committed to promoting gender equality and preventing gender-based violence, through the implementation of its Minimum Standards for Gender in Emergencies. In addition, the promotion of gender equality must be central to the broader efforts to protect civilians and manage and prevent conflict and armed violence.
NSP Review
Engaging with South Africa’s National Strategic Plan for HIV, STIs and TB Edition 7 July – August 2013
A publication of the Treatment Action Campaign and SECTION27
GeneXpert: An imperfect rollout
TB in South African prisons: Where to now?
Decentralising DR-TB care: How far alon...g are we?
Ce document a été élaboré par Peter Ventevogel, consultant, sous la supervision de Marian Schilperoord. Les versions préliminaires de cette publication ont grandement bénéficié de la contribution de plusieurs personnes au sein de l’UNHCR et d’organisations partenaires. Nous voudrions tou...t particulièrement remercier les collègues suivants pour leur relecture du document : A l’UNHCR: Gregory Garras, Sarah Harrison, Alexandra Kaun, Stefanie Krause, Preeta Law, Allen Gidraf Kahindo Maina, MaryBeth Morand, Audrey Nirrengarten, Martina Nicole Pomeroy, Monika Sandvik-Nylund, Ita Sheehy, Paul Spiegel, Margriet Veenma and Constanze Quosh. Dans les autres organisations: Carolina Echeverri (consultante SMSPS) Sabine Rakotomalala (UNICEF), Emmanuel Streel (consultant SMSPS), Wietse Tol (Université Johns Hopkins) Mark van Ommeren (OMS) et Inka Weissbecker (International Medical Corps).
This operational guidance on MHPSS provides a practical orientation and tools for UNHCR country operations. It covers specific points of good practice to consider when developing MHPSS programming and offers advice on priority issues and practical difficulties, while also providing some background i...nformation and definitions. Since MHPSS is a cross cutting concept this operational guidance is relevant for programming in various sectors, including health, community based protection, education, shelter, nutrition, food security and livelihoods.
The focus of this operational guidance is on refugees and asylum seekers, but it may apply to other persons of concern within UNHCR operations such as stateless persons, internally displaced persons and returnees. The guidance is meant for operations in both camp and non-camp settings, and in both rural and urban settings in low and middle-income countries with a UNHCR presence.
The guidance should be adapted according to different contexts. A standardized format for programme implementation cannot be offered because this depends to a large extent on existing national capacities and local opportunities.
"Explosions can produce unique patterns of injury seldom seen outside combat.
When they do occur, they have the potential to inflict multi-system life-threatening injuries
on many persons simultaneously. The injury patterns following such events are a product of
the composition and amount of the ...materials involved, the surrounding environment,
delivery method (if a bomb), the distance between the victim and the blast, and any
intervening protective barriers or environmental hazards. Because explosions are relatively
infrequent, blast-related injuries can present unique triage, diagnostic, and management
challenges to providers of emergency care. "
accessed 2018/03/29
A practical handbook covering the architecture, engineering, design and operation of prisons. It is intended for all ICRC delegates working in places of detention, whether they have extensive practical experience or are new to the field.
Third Edition: Revised October 2012
Ghana Med J. 2012 Jun;46(2 Suppl):69-78.
A Resource Book of Inclusive Practices
Examen du rôle de la société civile dans le plaidoyer et le lobbying en faveur de l'application de la politique de santé au Kenya
African Population Studies Vol 25, 1 (Supplement) 2011
Humanitarian NGOs have made increased use of Private Security Providers (PSPs) over the last decade. There is a gap between the ways that NGOs actually use PSPs and the regulation of this engagement. These guidelines aim to assist humanitarian NGOs in reaching an informed decision about when, how an...d under what conditions to seek PSP services. The guidelines are aimed at operational managers of NGOs, from headquarter to field level. The guidelines do not only cover armed guarding or armed protection, but can be applied to the wide range of services provided by PSPs. Document also available in French.
Do men and women experience different types of security events? Are there differences in the attitudes within humanitarian agencies towards the same type of events affecting men or women? In this paper, using the Security in Numbers Database (SiND), the differences and similarities in men’s and’s experiences of security events are analyzed to help agencies think about the potential gender implications of security management.