Reach the Unreached - FIND, TREAT, CURE TB, SAVE LIVES
PLoS ONE 9(1): e87262. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0087262
A manual for programme managers.
Руководство для руководителей программ
Investigación original / Original research
Panam Salud Publica. 2016;39(1):38–43.
NSP Review
Engaging with South Africa’s National Strategic Plan for HIV, STIs and TB Edition 7 July – August 2013
A publication of the Treatment Action Campaign and SECTION27
GeneXpert: An imperfect rollout
TB in South African prisons: Where to now?
Decentralising DR-TB care: How far alon...g are we?
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Clinical Practice Guidelines
January 1010
PLOS ONE 10(12): e0144040. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0144040
Evidence from two pilot projects in India.
treat TB
Description of Research Outputs, 2009 - 2014
In response to a call by the United Nations Secretary-General and the Governments of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, an international team conducted an Ebola Recovery Assessment.The aim was to contribute towards laying the foundation for short-, medium- and long-term recovery while the medical eme...rgency response continues to tackle the epidemic.
This summary report is based on a full report as well as three detailed reports submitted to each of the three governments as contributions to their national recovery planning processes.