To provide a foundation for the strategic policy and programme development needed to ensure the sustainable implementation of effective interventions for reducing the global burden of PPH
Reporting Period 2010-2011
Guidelines for national programmes and other stakeholders
世界卫生组织 结核菌/艾滋病病毒双 重感染防治政策指南
——适用于国家规划 和利益攸关方
2016 data
The report was coordinated by Anastasia Pharris and Annemarie Stengaard.
Report review and production support were provided by Andrew J. Amato-Gauci, Mike Catchpole, Denis Coulombier, Masoud Dara, Nedret Emiroglu, Rachel Katterl, Shahin Khasiyev, Valentina Lazdina, Teymur Noori, Marc... Rondy, Chantal Quintin, Phillip Zucs.
PLOS Medicine | November 28, 2017
September 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 9 | e103657
Defending Rights
Breaking Barriers
Reaching People with HIV Services
Global Aids Update 2019
1-13 December 2018 | Geneva, Switzerland UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board Issue date: 23 November 2018
UNAIDS/PCB (43)/18.32
The curriculum, which complements the national pediatric ART training, was finalized in 2011 and was subsequently implemented nationally. The training curriculum includes a 15-module Trainer Manual, a Participant Manual, and accompanying PowerPoint slides.
Division of Global Migration and Quarantine
April 16, 2012
This version of Field Trials of Health Interventions includes seven new chapters on conducting systematic literature reviews, trial
governance, preliminary studies and pilot testing, budgeting and accounting, intervention costing and economic analysis, and Phase IV studies. Before new interventions... are released into disease control programmes, it is essential that they are carefully evaluated in ‘field trials’. These may be complex and expensive undertakings, requiring the follow-up of hundreds, or thousands, of individuals, often for long periods. This manual was designed to provide guidance on the practical issues in great detail