The rapid spread of COVID-19 renewed the focus on how health systems across the globe are financed,
especially during public health emergencies. Development assistance is an important source of health financing in
many low-income countries, yet little is known about how much of this funding was di...sbursed for COVID-19. We
aimed to put development assistance for health for COVID-19 in the context of broader trends in global health
financing, and to estimate total health spending from 1995 to 2050 and development assistance for COVID-19 in 2020.
Accessed on 15.08.2022
La farmacovigilancia es una herramienta que permite la detección, evaluación, conocimiento y prevención de efectos adversos y/o inesperados de los medicamentos que se prescriben. También facilita la detección de fallas de respuesta terapéutica por deficiencias de
The control and elimination of schistosomiasis have over the last two decades involved several strategies, with the current strategy by the World Health Organization (WHO) focusing mainly on treatment with praziquantel during mass drug administration (MDA). However, the disease context is complex an interplay of social, economic, political, and cultural factors that may affect achieving the goals of the Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) 2021-2030 Roadmap. There is a need to revisit the current top-down and reactive approach to schistosomiasis control among sub-Saharan African countries and advocate for a dynamic and diversified approach.
Essential obstetric and newborn care is designed as a tool to help protect mothers and their children in adverse environments. It is intended for midwives, doctors with obstetrics training, and health care personnel who deal with obstetric emergencies.
WaterAid is an international NGO that provides assistance for safe water supply,
sanitation and hygiene practice in the poor communities in the world.
El agente etiológico de la tuberculosis es el Mycobacterium tuberculosis o bacilo de Koch. Se trata de un bacilo aerobio estricto, ácido-alcohol resistente, sin movilidad, de crecimiento lento y que se inactiva con rayos ultravioleta y temperaturas mayores de 60°C.
National Directorate for Environment and Health - Guidelines for the prevention of COVID-19 in elderly care workplaces
March 2021. “A Decade of Destruction: Attacks on health care in Syria,” highlights with chilling detail how this 10-year war strategy has turned hospitals from safe havens into no-go zones where Syrian civilians now fear for their lives.
Health in All Policies: A Guide for State and Local Governments was created by the Public Health Institute, the California Department of Public Health, and the American Public Health Association in response to growing interest in using collaborative approaches to improve population health by health considerations into decision-making processes across a broad array of sectors. The Guide draws heavily on the experiences of the California Health in All Policies Task Force and incorporates information from the published and gray literature and interviews with people across the country.
The guide was developed through funding from the American Public Health Association and The California Endowment.
This report is documenting the global incidence of attacks and threats against health workers, facilities, and transport around the world. The report cites 806 incidents of violence against or obstruction of health care in 43 countries and territories in ongoing wars and violent conflicts in 2020, r...anging from the bombing of hospitals in Yemen to the abduction of doctors in Nigeria. Attacks -- including killings, kidnappings, and sexual assaults, as well as destruction and damage of health facilities and transports -- compounded the threats to health in every country as health systems struggled to prepare for and respond to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pre-Print Article
M. Zaman et al. (eds.), Measuring Emission of Agricultural Greenhouse Gases
and Developing Mitigation Options using Nuclear and Related Techniques,
A Situational Assessment and Five-YearAction Plan for the Africa CDC Strengthening Regional Public Health Institutions and Capacity for Surveillance and Response Program
As of January 20, 2021 the Covid-19 - living NMA initiative collected 150 RCTs and 36 non-randomised studies of vaccines from the ICTRP. 93 of these trials are recruiting patients.
What near-term climate impacts should worry us most?
Supporting the most exposed and vulnerable societies to reduce
regional and global climate risks
The assistive technology capacity assessment (ATA-C) is a system-level tool to evaluate a country’s capacity to finance, regulate, procure and provide assistive technology. It can be used for awareness raising, policy and programme design, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation. This manual provide...s guidance and practical information on the ATA-C implementation process. The ATA-C is intended to be implemented by an experienced team, in collaboration with relevant ministries and users’ organizations.
C’est dans ce contexte particulièrement complexe qu’ONU Femmes et CARE, sous le leadership du Ministère à la Condition féminine et aux Droits des femmes (MCFDF) et en coordination avec la Direction Générale de la Protection Civile (DGPC), ont lancé l’Analyse Rapide Genre qui se veut une... évaluation rapide de l’impact du tremblement de terre d’août 2021 sur les femmes, les hommes, les filles et les garçons, incluant les personnes en situation de vulnérabilité, afin d’éclairer la réponse humanitaire en cours en Haïti dans l’immédiat, ainsi que les efforts de redressement à moyen et à long terme. Cette étude est faite en partenariat avec l’Equipe spéciale genre de l’équipe humanitaire en Haiti et a obtenu le soutien financier, technique et logistique des partenaires suivantes : Fondation Toya, IDEJEN, UNFPA, OCHA, OMS/OPS, ONUSIDA, PAM, PNUD, et UNICEF.
La présente étude permet de restituer et de prendre en compte les perspectives des femmes, des hommes, et des jeunes dans les trois départements affectés dans la conception de réponses adaptées et en ligne avec les besoins sexo-spécifiques en tenant compte des situations de vulnérabilité liées au genre, au handicap, à l’âge, et aux autres conditions socio-économiques. Cette étude fait aussi écho aux appels lancés par les organisations de femmes pour une réponse plus sensible au genre et qui prenne en compte leur leadership.