How to prevent the pork tapeworm? A neglected parasitic infection caused by Taenia solium - A neglected parasitic infection caused by Taenia solium. Available in different languages
Es una enfermedad muy contagiosa que se transmite a través de las gotitas de saliva que
viajan por el aire cada vez que alguien enfermo tose, estornuda, escupe, habla o canta.
Los microbios hacen agujeros en los pulmones y pueden causar la muerte.
Video is a very effective way to communicate complex concepts – like the inter-relational models Side-by-Side rests on – quickly and effectively. Side-by-Side has a small but growing collection of videos. Download and share these videos with caregivers using your social media channels, WhatsApp,... or show them to caregivers on a screen during in-person interactions. These videos should always be shown with sound on.
Our target end-users are those with limited literacy. It is a challenging task to achieve success in this group as so much of what is "obvious" to those of us with good literacy skills is totally obscure to those who have never had the opportunity to learn the meaning of e.g. an arrow shape and what... it is meant to represent. Our pictograms have been tested mainly in our local Xhosa population, so we cannot guarantee universal generalisability (as is the case for any other pictograms). Categories in the database include Dosage and frequency; Route of administration; Additional medicine instructions; Side effects or indications; Storage of medicines; Tablets, capsules, bottles, droppers; Miscellaneous; TB-related pictograms
A common application relates to their use with medicines where they may serve to convey instructions, precautions, storage requirements, warnings, as well as medicine indication or side effects to patients or consumers. Many examples of diverse application of pictograms in the health literature have been described including health promotion materials, wound care instructions, asthma prevention and treatment, injury prevention, discharge instructions, self-care guidance, paediatric anaphylaxis plan, organ and body donation, CT scan risks and benefits, driving risks, safety symbols, decision aids for treatment, and patient-reported outcomes dashboards, amongst others.
Seit August 2021 empfiehlt die Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) allen Kindern und Jugendlichen ab 12 Jahren die Corona-Schutzimpfung mit Comirnaty® von BioNTech/Pfizer. Seit Mitte Dezember können auch Kinder zwischen 5 und 11 Jahren mit dem darauf angepassten Impfstoff von BioNTech/Pfizer geimpft ...werden. Hier finden Sie alles zur Zulassung und der STIKO-Empfehlung sowie kindgerechte Dokumente und Hintergrundinformationen für den Alltag mit Kindern in der Pandemie.
Antimicrobial Resistance or AMR continues to pose a major threat to human development and to the fight against infectious diseases. It also endangers animal health and welfare, and food production, and severely impacts our economies and societies. An holistic approach must be used to mitigate AMR ri...sks in Africa. Therefore, AMR governance is essential to promote sustainable actions that include proper institutional collaborations from public and private sectors to meet the dynamic societal demands in the continent. So join us in being part of the solution to Antimicrobial Resistance in Africa!
The Video is available in English, French, Arabic and Portuguese
As a Frontline Health Care Worker or a Vaccinator, you need to counsel pregnant women about the availability, value and precautions regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. This note provides you with the information that you need to educate and support pregnant women so that they can make an informed decisi...on about getting the COVID-19 vaccine. The note is structured in the form of questions-answers to make it easier for you to inform pregnant women and their families about the most important issues related to COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant women.
As a Frontline Health Care Worker or a Vaccinator, you need to counsel pregnant women about the availability, value and precautions regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. This note provides you with the information that you need to educate and support pregnant women so that they can make an informed decisi...on about getting the COVID-19 vaccine. The note is structured in the form of questions-answers to make it easier for you to inform pregnant women and their families about the most important issues related to COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant women.
Symptomatic pregnant women are at an increased risk of severe diseases and it might affect the foetus too. Hence, the COVID-19 vaccine is recommended for pregnant women.
Symptomatic pregnant women are at an increased risk of severe diseases and it might affect the foetus too. Hence, the COVID-19 vaccine is recommended for pregnant women.
Konsèy pou Gwo Fanmi oswa Moun ki Fanmi k ap Viv nan yon Menm Kay
Sentòm Kowonaviris (COVID-19)
Be a hero, be prepared! Learn with Tanah how to be prepared in case of tsunamis and earthquakes.
Tanah: The Tsunami and Earthquake Fighter is a mobile gaming app developed by UNESCO-Bangkok, the Red Cross Global Disaster Preparedness Center, and USAID. Players can download the game for free on th...eir mobile devices and follow the avatar Tanah through different levels as she prepares for and respond to tsunamis and earthquakes.
It is available in English, Spanish, Nepalese, and Bahasa Indonesian. Android and IOS
Guía de charlas serias con los niños para acompañar en la lectura de Mi heroína eres tú, ¿Cómo pueden los niños luchar contra la COVID-19?
Contact tracing is a key element of WHO’s recommended approach to control the spread of COVID-19 by breaking the chains of human-to-human transmission.
This document provides guidance to health authorities at all levels to improve the success rate of contact tracing by informing efforts with RCCE... principles, evidence and activities, and provides ready-to-use tools for professionals involved in contact-tracing efforts to inform their practices with RCCE principles and likewise improve their success rate.
Communication Resources Bank of the National Ministry of Health | Materials for Health Teams
Rotafolio para el Agente Comunitario
y las Familias durante las visitas domiciliarias