Curricular Modules for Lecturers and Teachers.
The 2nd edition of the Global Public Health Curriculum has been published in the South Eastern European Journal of Public Health, end of 2016 as a special volume . The curriculum targets the postgraduate education and training of public health professi...onals including their continued professional development (CPD). However, specific competences for the curricular modules remained to be identified in a more systematic approach
The World Health Organization Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems (WHO-AIMS) was used to collect information on the mental health system in Ghana for the year 2011. The goal of collecting this information is to improve the mental health system and to provide a baseline for monitoring the... change. This will enable Ghana to develop information based mental health plans with clear base-line information and targets. It will also be useful to monitor progress in implementing reform policies, providing community services, and involving users, families and other stakeholders in mental health promotion, prevention and rehabilitation.
Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2011 Dec;13(6):493-9. doi: 10.1007/s11920-011-0229-8.
Q7: In individuals with bipolar mania, are a) antipsychotics, b) mood stabilizers (lithium carbonate, valproate, and carbamazepine) effective and safe
Q9: Antidepressant medicines in individuals with a depressive episode in bipolar disorder1Q9: In individuals presenting with a depressive episode in bipolar disorder, are antidepressant medicines effective and safe?
Int J Bipolar Disord (2018) 6:6‑017‑0110‑8
In 2001, the WHO stated that: "The use of mobile and wireless technologies to support the achievement of health objectives (mHealth) has the potential to transform the face of health service delivery across the globe".... Within mental health, interventions and monitoring systems for depression, anxiety, substance abuse, eating disorder, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder have been developed and used. The present paper presents the status and findings from studies using automatically generated objective smartphone data in the monitoring of bipolar disorder, and addresses considerations on the current literature and methodological as well as clinical aspects to consider in the future studies.
Results from studies evaluating the effectiveness of focused psychosocial support interventions in children exposed to traumatic events in humanitarian settings in low-income and middle-income countries have been inconsistent, showing varying results by setting and subgroup (eg, age or gender). We a...imed to assess the effectiveness of these interventions, and to explore which children are likely to benefit most.
Lancet Glob Health 2018; 6: e390–400
Version 1.7 Updated October 14, 2010 | Preschool PTSD Treatment (PPT) is a theory-driven, manualized protocol based on cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with modifications for young children. Some of these modifications involve parent-child relationship dynamics that are salient for this age grou...p.
Investing in Child Protection
Building Inclusive, Productive and Resilient Communities in Malawi
Our goal at Voices for Georgia’s Children is to help decision-makers craft and implement policies that ensure Georgia’s children grow up to be healthy, educated and productive citizens. To that end, we have developed a comprehensive policy agenda focused on early childhood, child health and disc...onnected youth, which, if followed, can effectively prevent and offset some of the damaging experiences faced by our children. Many of our recommendations are aligned with those included in this policy brief.
Unaccompanied and separated children leave their countries of origin for a variety of reasons. They may
be fleeing from persecution, armed conflict, exploitation or poverty. They may have been sent by members
of their family or decided to leave on their own – be it to ensure their survival, or t...o obtain an education or
employment. They may have been separated from their family during flight or may be trying to join parents
or other family members. Or they may have become victims of trafficking. Often it is a combination of
Le Manuel de formation psychosociale pour la Protection des enfants de Terre des hommes répond
aux besoins des programmes de protection de l’enfance menés par Terre des hommes et peut être utilisé
en parallèle à la publication précédente de Terre des hommes: Protection des enfants: manue...l d’intervention
en cas de crise humanitaire. Ce manuel de formation a été conçu pour le terrain afin de former le
personnel qui travaille directement ou indirectement avec les enfants.
Les modules de ce manuel ont été regroupés selon les catégories suivantes:
• Niveau 1: Animer une formation / un atelier
• Niveau 2: Concepts de base pour une intervention
• Niveau 3: Compétences des animateurs
Chaque module contient les rubriques suivantes:
• Qu’est-ce que c’est?
• A quoi ça sert?
• Comment l’utiliser?
In the Region of the Americas, between epidemiological week (EW) 1 and EW 52 of 2018, a total of 560,586 cases of dengue were reported (incidence rate of 57.3 cases per 100,000 population), including 336 deaths. Of the total cases, 209,192 (37.3%) were laboratoryconfirmed and 3,535 (0.63%) were clas...sified as severe dengue. Cases reported in 2018 were higher than the total reported in 2017 but lower than the historical average reported in the previous 11 years (2006-2016) (Figure 1). Similarly, the proportion of cases of severe dengue and dengue with warning signs reported in 2018 was higher than the previous two years, but lower than the preceding ten years, and it remains below 1% which was reached in 2015.
Information booklet on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Who develops PTSD? What are the symptoms of PTSD? Why do some people develop PTSD and other people do not? How is PTSD Treated? How can I hep a friend or relative who has PTSD? How can I help mysel...f? Where can I go for help? What if I know someone in crisis? Next Steps for PTSD Research.
The WHO Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study measures the burden of
disease using the disability-adjusted life year metric (DALY). The DALY metric
was developed to assess the burden of disease consistently across diseases,
risk factors and regions. A consistent and comparative description of the ...burden
of diseases and injuries and the risk factors that cause them is important as it
can inform health decision-making and health care planning.
The Japan Committee for UNICEF (JCU) has for years endeavored to disseminate important information about children in developing countries and UNICEF’s various assistance programmes there, as well as to fundraise to support those programmes. Unprecedented damage caused by the East Japan Earthquake,... however, forced us to ask ourselves what we could do to help, and we wasted no time in contacting UNICEF Headquarters in New York.
The objective of this study is to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, sustainability, and impact of the tsunami response in Sri Lanka and Indonesia 10 years later. A cross cutting theme of this study is the assessment of whether communities are now better prepared to respond to and cope with disaster....
Three key lessons for the future of humanitarian response are highlighted:
Lesson 1: Participation is the cornerstone of humanitarian response and recovery;
Lesson 2: Partnership as a prerequisite for long-term change;
Lesson 3: Creating momentum for risk reduction.