UNAIDS and DPKO non paper | 2011
Dans la plupart des pays, les services de lutte contre la tuberculose (TB) sont décentralisés jusqu’aux dispensaires
les plus périphériques et souvent au sein même des villages et des quartiers. Par contre, les services
de lutte contre le VIH/Sida sont généralement beaucoup plus centralis...és parce que la diffusion des
soins, notamment de la thérapie antirétrovirale (TARV), n’a commencé qu’assez récemment. De ce fait,
les patients qui ont besoin d’un traitement à la fois contre la tuberculose et le VIH/Sida peuvent être obligés
de se rendre dans deux établissements distincts et ainsi d’avoir à parcourir de longues distances pour
accéder aux soins. L’absence de services intégrés TB/VIH peut provoquer des retards dans le diagnostic
et le traitement, et même se traduire par un mauvais suivi des traitements, voire par des interruptions. Par
ailleurs, les patients ont à supporter la charge financière des frais de déplacement et des autres coûts indirects,
tels que de longs temps d’attente et une perte de revenu
UNAIDS Series: Engaging uniformed services in the fight against AIDS - Case Study 1
Fighting AIDS
The guidelines set out essential actions that humanitarian actors must take in order to effectively identify and respond to the needs and rights of persons with disabilities who are most at risk of being left behind in humanitarian settings.
The recommended actions in each chapter pl...ace persons with disabilities at the centre of humanitarian action, both as actors and as members of affected populations. They are specific to persons with disabilities and to the context of humanitarian action and build on existing and more general standards and guidelines.
These are the first humanitarian guidelines to be developed with and by persons with disabilities and their representative organizations in association with traditional humanitarian stakeholders. Based on the outcomes of a comprehensive global and regional multi-stakeholder consultation process, they are designed to promote the implementation of quality humanitarian programmes in all contexts and across all regions, and to establish and increase both the inclusion of persons with disabilities and their meaningful participation in all decisions that concern them.
The Need for a Regional Response to an Unprecedented Migration Crisis.
This report provides an overview of where the more than 2 million Venezuelans who have left the country since 2014, at least half of them in the past year and a half alone, are now living, the conditions they face, their prospe...cts of obtaining legal status in the host countries, and applicable international standards that should guide host governments’ responses.
Progress report of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee (A/HRC/33/53) (Advance edited version)
The first section highlights knowledge and questions regarding security incidents, trends, and causes of violence, including around causes and motives for attacks, and tensions between individual and collective responses. The next section then explores the role of the humanitarian principles, and th...e perceptions of humanitarian actors, in affecting their security in the field. Building on this, the final section examines the protection of humanitarian action under international law, and the impunity gap resulting from effective implementation or enforcement of the law.
Evaluation report
January 2014