Alle Geflüchtete haben das Recht auf eine menschenwürdige Unterbringung und Schutz vor Gewalt. Bund und Länder sind dazu verpflichtet, einen angemessenen und wirksamen Schutz sicherzustellen. Für traumatisierte und besonders vulnerable Geflüchtete ist dies umso wichtiger. In den Unterkünften b...raucht es daher sowohl ein Schutzkonzept vor Gewalt, als auch konkrete Leitlinien für die Mitarbeiter*innen, welche verdeutlichen, wie diese umzusetzen sind. Außerdem wurde der Praxisleitfaden zum „Traumasensiblen und empowernden Umgang mit Geflüchteten“ erstellt, der nicht nur für die Gewaltschutzkoordination bei der Umsetzung der Mindeststandards in den Unterkünften hilfreich ist, sondern auch für andere ehren- oder hauptamtlich arbeitende Personen Informationen und Handlungsvorschläge zu den Bereichen Trauma und Flucht bietet.
The Infant and young child feeding counselling: an integrated course includes this Director’s guide, a Trainer’s guide and Participant’s manual. Additional tools include: Course handouts; Guidelines for follow-up after training; Supportive supervision/mentoring and monitoring and an toolkit; a slide set for the trainer; a set of 24 Counselling cards and Guidance on the use of counselling cards. The course includes 79 sessions arranged within 8 modules, covering a range of topics, including breastfeeding, complementary feeding, growth assessment and monitoring, HIV and infant feeding, and infant and young child feeding counselling. Course facilitators can decide which sessions to cover, depending on the specific learning needs of the health workers in your community.
English Manual and Guideline on World about Food and Nutrition, Health and Epidemic; published on 30 Nov 2021 by USAID
The Participant’s manual contains summaries of information presented by the trainers, copies of worksheets and checklists for the clinical practice and practical sessions, and exercises that participants will do during the course. One manual should be provided for each participant, using the selected, for use during the course and can be used as a reference after the course. child feeding counselling. Course facilitators can decide which sessions to cover, depending on the specific learning needs of the health workers in your community.
Global and Regional Data 1 December 2021; The 90–90–90 targets were missed, but not by much. At the end of 2020, 84% of people living with HIV knew their HIV status, 87% of people living with HIV who knew their HIV status were accessing antiretroviral therapy, and 90% of people on treatment were... virally suppressed.
Die aktuellen Leitlinien stellen detailliert und umfassend die gesamte wissen-
schaftliche Basis und die daraus abgeleiteten Therapieempfehlungen in elf Einzel-
kapiteln dar. Darunter befinden sich auch allgemeingültige Empfehlungen wie
zum Beispiel zur Ausbildung und zu ethischen Fragestellunge...n am Lebensende.
Um Ihnen einen möglichst schnellen und gleichzeitig umfassenden Überblick zu
ermöglichen, haben wir für Sie in diesem Taschenbuch die wesentlichen Aussagen
aus allen Kapiteln als Kurzfassung zusammengestellt.
The European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation provide specific instructions for how resuscitation should be practiced and take into account ease of teaching and learning, as well as the science. They were developed by Europeans and have been specifically written with European in mind.
Testing men for HIV during their partner’s pregnancy can guide couples-based HIV prevention and treatment, but testing rates remain low. We investigated a combination approach, using evidence-based strategies, to increase HIV testing in male partners of HIV-positive and HIV-negative ...pregnant women.
Urbanization, land use, global trade and industrialization have led to profound and negative impacts on nature, biodiversity and ecosystems across the world. The ongoing depletion of natural resources not only afects environmental conditions but also has an enormous impact on the well-being and secu...rity of societies.
This report provides an overview of the impacts of the natural environment on human health. It presents the ways nature and ecosystems can support and protect health and well-being, and describes how nature degradation and loss of biodiversity can threaten human health.
A group-based stress managment course for adults.
Self-Help Plus (SH+) is WHO’s 5-session stress management course for large groups of up to 30 people. It is delivered by supervised, non-specialist facilitators who complete a short training course and use pre-recorded audio and an illustrated (Doing What Matters in Times of Stress) to teach stress management skills. The course is suitable for adults who experiences stress, wherever they live and whatever their circumstances. It has been shown to reduce psychological distress and prevent the onset of mental disorders. The format of SH+ makes it well-suited for use alongside other mental health interventions, as a first step in a stepped care programme, or as a community intervention delivered alongside broader community programming.
Download the audio files in English directly from the WHO Website
Der Verein Medizin Hilft e.V. aus Berlin hat eine Informationsbroschüre zum Thema Corona-Impfung in mehreren Sprachen erstellt
Deutsch, Englisch, Vietnamese, Arabisch, Russisch, Französisch, Farsi, Rumänisch, Serbisch/Kroatisch/Bosnish; Türkisch
Document d'orientation pour le personnel de santé