In Israel, as in other countries, the COVID-19 outbreak highlights existing structural inequities,which compromise the health of some migrant groups. The Israeli case also demonstrate show strong NGOs successfully advocate for the protection of migrants‘health amidst the crisis, madepossible bya c...ertain level ofcooperation withthe Israeli Ministry of Health.Hence,measures for COVID-19preparedness in Israel‘s marginalized migrant communities mostly result from pressure from civil society, against thebackdrop of a generally exclusionary approach toward migrants.4Over time, the Israeli Ministry of Health thus shifted from acknowledging the need to include migrants in preparedness measures toward the realization that particular needs and circumstances amongmigrant communities in some instances require special responses. Givena legacy of neglect and exclusion, this creates challenges for both the authorities and the migrant communities.
This tool is designed to help governments, partners, and other stakeholders to estimate potential requirements for essential supplies to respond to the current pandemic of COVID-19. Although it gives users with an estimation of the number of cases, this calculator is not an epidemiological calculato...r.
The focus of this tool is to forecast essential supplies: it includes estimation of personal protective equipment, diagnostic equipment, biomedical equipment for case management, essential drugs for supportive care, and consumable medical supplies.
The COVID-19 ESFT tool is intended to be complimentary to the Health Workforce tools (Adaptt and the Workforce Estimator). Both tools use the same base clinical attack rate ranges and classify health workforce using ILO ISCO codes, but their outputs are intentionally different due to their primary focus.
La hemorragia posparto (HPP) se define comúnmente como la pérdida de sangre
de 500 ml o más en el término de 24 horas después del parto. La HPP es la causa
principal de mortalidad materna en países de ingresos bajos y la causa primaria de
casi un cuarto de todas las defunciones maternas en ...todo el mundo. La mayoría de las
muertes provocadas por HPP ocurren durante las primeras 24 horas después del parto:
la mayoría de estas podrían evitarse a través del uso profiláctico de agentes uterotónicos
durante el alumbramiento y mediante un tratamiento oportuno y apropiado.
Mejorar la atención de la salud de las mujeres durante el parto para prevenir y tratar la HPP
representa un paso necesario para el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio.
Por lo tanto, el objetivo primario de esta directriz es proporcionar los cimientos para el
desarrollo estratégico de políticas y programas necesarios para garantizar la implementación
sostenible de intervenciones eficaces para reducir la carga global que representa la HPP.
A new publication - Waste Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic: from response to recovery - reviews current practices for managing waste from healthcare facilities, households and quarantine locations accommodating people with confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19. Jointly produced by UNEP, th...e Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and the International Environmental Technology Centre, the report considers various approaches, identifies best practices and technologies, and provides recommendations for policy-makers and practitioners to improve waste management, over the long term.
Community-Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) is a decentralised community-based approach to treating acute malnutrition. Treatment is matched to the nutritional and clinical needs of the child, with the majority children receiving treatment at home using ready-to-use foods. In-patient car...e is provided only for complicated cases of acute malnutrition. CMAM consists of four components: (1) stabilisation care for acute malnutrition with complications, (2) out-patient therapeutic care for severe acute malnutrition without complications, (3) supplementary feeding for moderate acute malnutrition and (4) community mobilisation.
This document aims to provide guidance to healthcare facilities and healthcare providers in the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA) and the United Kingdom (UK) on preparedness and infection prevention and control (IPC) measures for the management of possible and confirmed cases of COVID-1...9 in healthcare settings, including long-term care facilities (LTCFs). In addition, this document addresses the management of clinical diagnostic specimens at laboratories in the EU/EEA. This is the sixth update of the ECDC guidance on ‘Infection prevention and control and preparedness for COVID-19 in healthcare settings’, and replaces the document dated 6 October 2020.
Induced abortion is permitted in Burkina Faso only to save the life and protect the health of a
pregnant woman, or in cases of rape, incest, and severe fetal impairment. As a result, the vast
majority of women who end unintended pregnancies do so in secrecy, out of fear of prosecution
and to avoi...d the social stigma that surrounds this practice. Most clandestine abortions are carried
out in unsafe conditions that jeopardize women’s health and sometimes their lives. This report
presents estimates of the number and rate of induced abortions that occurred in Burkina Faso in
2008 and 2012; reports levels of unintended pregnancy (the major reason that women seek
abortions in the first place); and describes some of the adverse consequences of unsafe abortion
for women, their families and society.
-Covid-19 и беременность
-Особенности применения методов диагностики у беременных
-Особенности лечения covid-19 при беременности
-Акушерская тактика при covid-19
-Маршрути...ация беременных и их новорожденных
-Организация работы родовспомогательных учреждений в период пандемии covid-19
medical care for pregnant women, women in labour, newborns and newborns in case a COVID-19 coronavirus infection
This strategic document is relevant to the diverse contexts that exist across the WHO European Region, and to countries implementing a wide range of national and subnational responses. The strategy is flexible and adaptable to national and subnational contexts and guides countries in rapidly bringin...g COVID-19 cases under control, and in preparing for a phased transition from a widespread transmission to a steady state of low-level or no transmission.