Accessed on 06.03.2022
Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere. Household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities and forest fires are common sou...rces of air pollution. Pollutants of major public health concern include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Outdoor and indoor air pollution cause respiratory and other diseases and is an important source of morbidity and mortality.
Air pollution kills an estimated seven million people worldwide every year. WHO data shows that almost all of the global population (99%) breathe air that exceeds WHO guideline limits containing high levels of pollutants, with low- and middle-income countries suffering from the highest exposures. WHO is supporting countries to address air pollution.
From smog hanging over cities to smoke inside the home, air pollution poses a major threat to health and climate. The combined effects of ambient (outdoor) and household air pollution cause millions of premature deaths every year, largely as a result of increased mortality from stroke, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and acute respiratory infections.
The purpose of the Global Research on AntiMicrobial resistance (GRAM) Project is to generate accurate and timely estimates of the magnitude and trends in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) burden across the world, which can be used to inform treatment guidelines and agendas for decision-making and resea...rch, detect emerging problems and monitor trends to inform global strategies, as well as facilitate the assessment of interventions over time.
The report notes that the number of people in need of one or more assistive products is likely to rise to 3.5 billion by 2050, due to populations ageing and the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases rising across the world. The report also highlights the vast gap in access between low- and high-inc...ome countries. An analysis of 35 countries reveals that access varies from 3% in poorer nations to 90% in wealthy countries.
Affordability is a major barrier to access, the report notes. Around two thirds of people with assistive products reported out-of-pocket payments for them. Others reported relying on family and friends to financially support their needs.
The report offers a snapshot of the drivers behind the persistent exclusion of persons with disabilities and proposes a framework to build an actionable agenda building on promising practices available in the region. The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the urgent need to build more inclusive and res...ilient societies. The region has shown its resilience in recovering from many crises in the past. Today, we are at a crucial flection point where it is clear that universal policies and economic growth alone are insufficient to eradicate the remaining pockets of exclusion. A disability-inclusive recovery should be at the core of the region’s rebuilding strategy. This matters in its own right but is also of utmost importance for the sustainability of the region.
Esta quarta edição do manual se baseia no esquema de avaliação de risco apresentado na terceira edição. Uma avaliação completa, baseada em evidências e transparente dos riscos permite que as medidas de segurança sejam equilibradas com o risco real de trabalhar com agentes biológicos, caso... a caso. Isso permitirá que os países implementem políticas e práticas de biossegurança e biosseguridade laboratoriais economicamente viáveis e sustentáveis que sejam relevantes para suas circunstâncias e prioridades individuais.A necessidade de atualizar as diretrizes de biossegurança de laboratórios internacionais faz parte de uma iniciativa mais ampla para globalizar a biossegurança e enfatizar os princípios e as abordagens que são acessíveis a países que tenham ampla gama de recursos financeiros, técnicos e regulatórios. A OMS revisou o Regulamento Sanitário Internacional em 2005 “para ajudar a comunidade internacional a prevenir e a responder aos riscos agudos de saúde pública que tenham o potencial de cruzar fronteiras e ameaçar pessoas em todo o mundo”. Esses regulamentos exigem que todos os 196 estados-membros da OMS estejam bem preparados para surtos em potencial e novas doenças; isso inclui o diagnóstico precoce e a confirmação laboratorial para facilitar a prevenção e o controle de infecções.
Joint actions by the Global Fund and UNAIDS are guided by a strong alignment of strategies, goals and targets. UNAIDS has worked with all stakeholders to set a common agenda and targets within the Global AIDS Strategy 2021–2026, and the United Nations General Assembly confirmed this strategy and i...ts ambitious targets within its 2021 Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS: Ending Inequalities and Getting on Track to End AIDS by 2030.
This report is the first of its kind. It brings together various data sets to present the current status of hand hygiene, highlight lagging progress, and call governments and supporting agencies to action, offering numerous inspiring examples of change.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, hand hygiene ...received unprecedented attention and became a central pillar in national COVID prevention strategies. However, concern with hand hygiene should not only be as temporary public health measure in times of crisis, but as a vital everyday behaviour that contributes to health and economic resilience. Hand hygiene is a highly cost-effective investment, providing outsized health benefits for relatively little cost.
Despite efforts to promote hand hygiene, the rates of access to hand hygiene facilities remain stubbornly low. If current rates of progress continue, by the end of the SDG era in 2030, 1.9 billion people will still lack facilities to wash their hands at home.
This report presents a compelling case for investment in five key ‘accelerators’ as a pathway towards achieving hand hygiene for all – governance, financing, capacity development, data and information, and innovation. These accelerators are identified under the UN-Water SDG 6 Global Acceleration Framework.
The World Health Organization and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria are part of a group of agencies working together to accelerate progress towards the health-related SDGs through the Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being for All. Understanding patterns of inequal...ities in these diseases is essential for taking strategic, evidence-informed action to realize our shared vision of ending the epidemics of HIV, TB and malaria.
This report presents the first comprehensive analysis of the magnitude and patterns of socioeconomic, demographic and geographic inequalities in disease burden and access to services for prevention and treatment.
The results confirm there have been improvements in service coverage and decreased disease burden at the national level over the past decade. But they also reveal an uncomfortable reality: unfair inequalities between population subgroups within countries are widespread and have remained largely unchanged over the past decade. For some disease indicators, inequalities are even worsening.
Moreover, the report points to the persistent lack of available data to fully understand inequality patterns in HIV, TB and malaria. Collecting data to improve the monitoring of inequalities in these diseases is vital to develop targeted responses for impact.
There are, encouragingly, isolated successes in reducing inequities. Change is possible when deliberate action is taken to reach disadvantaged populations.
This report provides updated data on suicide in the Region of the Americas and is issued every five years, this being the fourth edition. In addition to including analysis similar to previous reports (suicide according to age, sex, as well as methods used), this report includes an expanded set of an...alysis on risk factors for suicide in the Americas: the analysis of the annual age-standardized gender-specific suicide mortality rate trends over time by country and sub-region and to identify points of inflection, and evaluates the association of specific risk factors on country-level suicide mortality rates.
Les menstruations sont une réalité naturelle de la vie qui revient tous les mois pour 1,8 milliard de filles et de femmes en âge de procréer. Or, dans le monde entier, des millions de personnes ayant des menstruations1 se voient refuser le droit de gérer leur cycle menstruel mensuel d’une man...ière saine et digne. Les filles et les femmes handicapées se heurtent à des difficultés encore plus grandes en ce qui a trait à la gestion de leurs règles d’une façon hygiénique et avec dignité
Climate change is a major risk to good development outcomes, and the World Bank Group is committed to playing an important role in helping countries integrate climate action into their core development agendas. The World Bank Group is committed to supporting client countries to invest in and build a... low-carbon, climate-resilient future, helping them to be better prepared to adapt to current and future climate impacts
Climate change is a major risk to good development outcomes, and the World Bank Group is committed to playing an important role in helping countries integrate climate action into their core development agendas. The World Bank Group is committed to supporting client countries to invest in and build a... low-carbon, climate-resilient future, helping them to be better prepared to adapt to current and future climate impacts.
This manual describes methods for investigating clusters or outbreaks that may be of chemical origin and describes the importance of a structured, coordinated, collaborative multidisciplinary, multi-agency approach at local, regional, national and international levels.
7 June 2021
The Africa Regulatory Taskforce is a joint effort established by the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) coordinated African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (AMRH) Initiative, and the World Health Organisat...ion’s (WHO) African Vaccine Regulatory Forum (AVAREF) to enable and provide support for an effective regulatory framework for COVID-19 Vaccines in Africa.
This poster is intended for health workers and other personnel on the safety and mitigation measures that need to be adhered to when dealing with medical oxygen. Medical oxygen, either in liquid or gas form, is an oxidizing agent that can result in a fire or explosion if not handled properly.
This poster is intended for health workers and other personnel on the safety and mitigation measures that need to be adhered to when dealing with medical oxygen. Medical oxygen, either in liquid or gas form, is an oxidizing agent that can result in a fire or explosion if not handled properly.
This poster is intended for health workers and other personnel on the safety and mitigation measures that need to be adhered to when dealing with medical oxygen. Medical oxygen, either in liquid or gas form, is an oxidizing agent that can result in a fire or explosion if not handled properly.
L’orthopoxvirose simienne, aussi connu sous les noms de variole du singe ou monkeypox, est une zoonose causée par l'orthopoxvirus simien et reconnue comme l'infection à orthopoxvirus la plus importante depuis l'éradication de la variole.
Ce cours offre aux personnel de santé publique et aux a...gents de santé des informations approfondies pour comprendre l'épidémiologie, les modes de transmission, la présentation clinique, le diagnostic et le traitement de la variole du singe, ainsi que les stratégies nécessaires pour la prévention, Ce cours offer aussi des suggestions pour mener une enquête et mettre en oeuvre une réponse efficace à une flambée de variole du singe.
Abridged version. In this abridged version of the Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Follow-Up of at-risk neonates, we provide recommendations for the care of newborns up to 2 years of age, corresponding to the first phase of their follow-up. The recommendations are intended for all... health sector staff responsible for the primary care of these neonates: general practitioners, family practitioners, pediatricians, neonatologists, pediatric ophthalmologists, pediatric otolaryngologists, nursing professionals, specialists in other fields, and multidisciplinary staff involved in the care process. The purpose of these guidelines is to facilitate policy implementation processes carried out by decision-makers and members of government bodies, and will also be useful for parents, mothers, and caregivers. The main topics covered by this document include the hospital discharge criteria, including screening tests; information and support for parents, mothers, and caregivers; screening at the follow-up visit, and the frequency of follow-ups until the infant is 2 years of age. These guidelines do not address matters related to nursing or comorbidities.
La méningite est mortelle et débilitante ; elle frappe brutalement ; elle a de graves conséquences sanitaires, économiques et sociales et touche tous les âges de la vie dans tous les pays du monde. La méningite bactérienne peut être à l’origine d’épidémies, entraîner la mort dans les... 24 heures et un patient sur cinq peut rester handicapé à vie à la suite d’une infection. La plupart des cas et des décès dus à la méningite pourraient être évités par la vaccination mais les progrès obtenus pour la vaincre sont bien moins rapides que ceux réalisés contre d’autres maladies à prévention vaccinale.