16 Dec 2021. This interim guidance pertains to heterologous primary and heterologous boosting schedules of Covid-19 vaccines. It focuses on heterologous schedules combining multiple vaccine platforms (e.g. a vectored vaccine followed by an mRNA vaccine).
New funding requirements: CHF 2.8 billion IFRC-wide of which CHF 670 million is channelled through the IFRC Emergency Appeal in support of National Societies
Covid-19 Social Policy Response Series / No.14
This report examines Ecuador’s social policy response to mitigate the Covid-19 pandemic’s effects and protect
vulnerable populations. It chronologically traces containment, closure policies, social policies and programmes
put in place following t...he announcement of Covid-19 as a global pandemic. A combination of external con-
straints and domestic structures, i.e. informality and weak coordination, led to truncated efforts in the healthcare
response, while persistent inequalities in access to technology and high levels of informality led to fragmented
education, labour policies and social protection responses. The report zooms into the Family Protection Grant
(Bono de Protección Familiar or BPF), a new social protection programme that covers informal workers, which
captures the difficulties in reaching unregistered populations amid lockdown and containment measures.
Versión 1.2 13-07-2020 .
La finalidad de los siguientes lineamientos del protocolo, es presentar las medidas adicionales que se pueden adoptar para preservar la integridad de la cadena alimentaria y garantizar el acceso de los consumidores a alimentos que satisfagan susnecesidades, sin poner en ri...esgo su salud.
Al mismo tiempo optimizar y extender las medidas de bioseguridad implementadas por las industrias del sector para proteger la salud de los trabajadores. (Guidelines for Prevention COVID-19 and Food Safety)
Management guidelines for SARS-CoV-2 infection
English Analysis on World about Climate Change and Environment, Recovery and Reconstruction and Epidemic; published on 26 Oct 2021 by UNEP