We need to be concerned about mental health in the context of climate change
Die Studie untersucht auf Basis von Daten des Mikrozensus sowie des SVR Integrationsbarometers den Stand der Integration von (Spät) Aussiedlerinnen und (Spät)Aussiedlern in Deutschland in zahlreichen Lebensbereichen
The threat climate change poses to health, equity, and development has been rigorously documented. However, in an era marked by economic crisis, regional conflicts, natural disasters and growing disparities between rich and poor, the joint global actions required to address climate change have been ...vigorously debated – and critical decisions postponed.
This document, part of WHO’s Health in the Green Economy series, describes how many climate change measures can be “win-wins” for people and the planet.
These policies yield large, immediate public health benefits while reducing the upward trajectory of greenhouse gas emissions. Many of these policies can improve the health and equity of people in poor countries and assist developing countries in adapting to climate change that is already occurring, as evidenced by more extreme storms, flooding, drought and heatwaves.
WHO’s Department of Public Health and Environment launched the Health in the Green Economy initiative in 2010 to review potential health and equity “co-benefits” of proposed climate change measures – as well as relevant risks.
This review examines mitigation strategies discussed in the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which constitutes the most broad-based global review of mitigation options by scientific experts.
Practical Guide to Occupational Health Management for Covid-19
A Associação Nacional de Medicina do Trabalho – ANAMT e a Secretaria de Gestão do Trabalho e da Educação em Saúde – SGETS/MS, considerando as ações governamentais das instâncias federal, estadual, distrital e municipal para... o enfrentamento da pandemia da COVID -19; as atualizações de protocolos clínico-epidemiológicos da OMS, OPAS, do Ministério da Saúde e as regulamentações publicadas pelas demais autoridades sanitárias brasileiras, resolvem elaborar um Guia Prático de Gestão em Saúde no Trabalho para nortear o Plano de Contingência durante a Pandemia de Covid-19 e a retomada das atividades econômicas no país, com vistas à segurança à saúde do trabalhador e do ambiente de trabalho.
Orientações sobre causas de mortes no contexto da covid-19 : respostas às perguntas mais frequentes
As perguntas, agrupadas em blocos nesta publicação, foram realizadas durante as videoconferências de apresentação das novas orientações e no decorrer do processo de trabalho, pelos profissi...onais codificadores e gestores do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM) nas esferas estaduais e municipais.
COVID-19, recomendaciones para el manejo
farmacológico / COVID-19, recommendations for pharmacological management
Child marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM) threaten the well-being of millions of girls around the world. Both have existed for generations, as manifestations of gender inequality, and have been propagated by discriminatory norms that devalue girls. In many countries where both child marriag...e and FGM are common, girls most at risk for each practice tend to share certain characteristics, such as low levels of education, rural residence, and living in poorer households. Yet, there are distinct differences in what drives each practice, and many communities in which one may be common, will not practice the other.
This report seeks to identify the extent to which child marriage and FGM co-exist. The intersection of these two practices – that is, the share of women who underwent FGM and were married in childhood – is reviewed over time, to determine whether girls’ likelihood of experiencing both practices has changed across generations. Lastly, the analysis identifies the characteristics that most commonly distinguish the girls who experience one practice from those who experience both.
These guidelines are based on the 3rd Edition of the WHO Guidelines (Published 2015) World Health Organization’s Guidelines for the treatment of malaria. Additional literature surveys have been undertaken. Factors that were considered in the choice of therapeutic options included effectiveness, sa...fety, and impact on malaria transmission and on the emergence and spread of antimalarial drug resistance. On-going surveillance is critical given the spread of artemisinin resistance in Southeast Asia, although not yet confirmed anywhere in Africa. The guidelines on the treatment of malaria in South Africa aim to facilitate effective, appropriate and timeous treatment of malaria, thereby reducing the burden of this disease in our communities. This is essential to further reduce the malaria case fatality rates currently recorded in South Africa, to decrease malaria transmission and to limit resistance to antimalarial drugs.
This report has been prepared in response to informal requests by SIDS Member States and territories for WHO assistance in confronting the stark and dire situation which climate change has created in their countries and the impact it is having on their peoples
In dieser Fokuserhebung wurde die deutschsprachige Erhebung durch Interviews in weiteren fünf Sprachen ergänzt. Damit wurden in dieser Erhebung auch Personengruppen erreicht, die in vorherigen Erhebungen aufgrund einer Sprachbarriere nicht erreicht werden konnten. Insgesamt liefert diese Befragung... daher Ergebnisse, die die Bevölkerung in Deutschland besser abbilden können.
Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar – wird dieses Gebot auch bei der gesundheitlichen Versorgung von Geflüchteten eingehalten? Die gesundheitliche Versorgung von Asylsuchenden in Deutschland ist geregelt durch das bundesdeutsche Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz (AsylbLG). Die Bundesregierung sieht... allein die Länder in der Verantwortung für die Umsetzung des AsylbLG. Dabei kommt sie bei der Frage der Gesundheitsversorgung von Asylsuchenden jedoch ihren eigenen Hausaufgaben nicht nach: Seit 2015 ist in Deutschland zwingend die EU-Aufnahmerichtlinie von 2013 umzusetzen. Jedoch sind im AsylbLG weder die Leistungsansprüche besonders schutzbedürftiger Asylsuchender nach Definition der EU-Aufnahmerichtlinie geregelt, noch gibt es Hinweise zum Umgang mit erkrankten besonders schutzbedürftigen Asylsuchenden, die leistungsrechtlichen Sanktionen unterliegen. Das Policy Paper gibt einen Überblick über die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen auf nationaler und supranationaler Ebene und leitet unter Einbeziehung von wissenschaftlichen Forschungsbefunden Handlungsempfehlungen ab.
May 17,2022 MEDBOX Issue Brief no.21
El presente documento establece las recomendaciones para la protección y el fomento de la lactancia materna en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19, para los equipos de salud que cuidan a díadas madre-hijo que se encuentran en período de lactancia, tanto en la atención primaria de salud como ...
en la atención intrahospitalaria.
Resumen ejecutivo guía de práctica clínica manejo de la infección por Sars-CoV 2
The report notes that the number of people in need of one or more assistive products is likely to rise to 3.5 billion by 2050, due to populations ageing and the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases rising across the world. The report also highlights the vast gap in access between low- and high-inc...ome countries. An analysis of 35 countries reveals that access varies from 3% in poorer nations to 90% in wealthy countries.
Affordability is a major barrier to access, the report notes. Around two thirds of people with assistive products reported out-of-pocket payments for them. Others reported relying on family and friends to financially support their needs.