mhGAP Training of Health-care Providers Training manual and Supporting material.
This guidance aims to assist leaders in the development or revision of humanitarian-sector contributions to district-level pandemic preparedness and response planning. It is directly linked to H2P guidance for national-level planning.
20 February 2013
Update on 2004 Background Paper (Written by Saloni Tanna)
Priority Medicines for Europe and the World "A Public Health Approach to Innovation"
TheoreticalMedicine 6 (1985), 281-294. 0167-9902/85.10
Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.30, n.1, e200450, 2021
Desde março de 2020, quando a Organização Mundial de Saúde declarou que o mundo vivia uma pandemia de covid-19, acompanhamos um quadro sanitário sem precedentes nos últimos 100 anos. As medidas atuais contra a ...doença têm como objetivo o controle da transmissão e envolvem ações individuais e coletivas de higiene e distanciamento físico, enquanto a busca por uma vacina se apresenta como a esperança para vencer a pandemia. Considerando o contexto social de clamor por uma nova vacina, este ensaio crítico discute o paradoxo e as contradições da relação indivíduo-sociedade no contexto da covid-19 à luz da hesitação vacinal como fenômeno histórico e socialmente situado. Este ensaio aponta que as tomadas de decisão sobre (não) vacinar ou sobre (não) seguir as medidas preventivas e de controle da propagação da covid-19 são conformadas por pertencimentos sociais e atravessadas por desigualdades que tendem a se exacerbar. A infodemia que cerca a covid-19 e a hesitação vacinal refletem a tensão entre o risco cientificamente validado e o risco percebido subjetivamente, também influenciada pela crise de confiança na ciência. Percepções de risco e adesão a medidas de saúde extrapolam aspectos subjetivos e racionais e espelham valores e crenças conformados pelas dimensões política, econômica e sociocultural.
Also available in Englisch
Accessed: 01.05.2020
El 11 de marzo de 2020 la OMS (Organización Mundial de la salud) ha declarado el CORONAVIRUS - COVID 19 como una pandemia mundial después que el número de afectados fuera de China se haya multiplicado por 13 en dos semanas y el de los demás países se haya triplicado en e...ste mismo periodo
El 26/02/2020 se ha identificado el primer caso de coronavirus en Colombia de una paciente de 19 años proveniente de Milán, Italia y desde la fecha hasta hoy el número de casos se ha multiplicado exponencialmente en el país.
Le but de ce document des directives est de contribuer à une mise en oeuvre harmonieuse de
la politique nationale de santé communautaire et l’objectif principal est de permettre aux parties
prenantes de disposer d’une ligne de conduite claire pour la mise en oeuvre de la politique de santé
Cette liste de contrôle devrait aider les pays à évaluer et à tester leur niveau de préparation pour faire face à la propagation de maladie à virus Ebola. Elle doit également servir d'outil pour identifier des actions concrètes à prendre et les moyens pour la communauté internationale de ...les appuyer pour combler les lacunes potentiellement existantes.
COVID-19 epidemic in Yemen
COVID-19 is thought to be widespread although the actual situation is unclear due to limited reporting and a fear, in Houthi-controlled areas, of seeking medical help. At least 50 people displaying COVID-like symptoms are dying each day. The probability of a high number... of cases, on top of a seasonal rise in endemic diseases, overwhelming the struggling health services, and high mortality has increased to high/very high. Only around three hospitals in each governorate are accepting COVID-19 cases.
WHO has a unique combination of technical public health and scientific expertise, and a global operational footprint, with field offices in more than 150 countries. In 2020, this global, technical, and operational reach meant WHO was able to support countries around the world in every aspect of COVI...D-19 public health response, from surveillance and laboratory testing to maintaining essential health services in the most vulnerable and fragile contexts.
From February 22-23, 2023, the Wellcome Trust and the Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) brought together researchers, decision makers, and public health implementers to participate in a virtual workshop focused on cholera and climate. Day 1 involved a technical workshop to identify key themes as well as the challenges, gaps, and opportunities in using climate information for cholera decision making. Day 2 was an open forum focused on information-sharing and updates from countries and partners, including a call for stronger research and data on the connection between climate and cholera.
The overarching discussion outlined the complex relationship between climate and cholera. Materials from the event – including a recording of the Day 2 open forum, key findings/messages, and a final event report – can be accessed below
21 January 2022
The overall threat posed by Omicron largely depends on four key questions: (i) how transmissible the variant is; (ii) how well vaccines and prior infection protect against infection, transmission, clinical disease and death; (iii) how virulent the variant is compared to other varian...ts; and (iv) how populations understand these dynamics, perceive risk and follow control measures, including public health and social measures (PHSM).
J of Pharm Policy and Pract 14, 27 (2021).