Quarta Edição.
Esta quarta edição do manual se baseia no esquema de avaliação de risco apresentado na terceira edição. Uma avaliação completa, baseada em evidências e transparente dos riscos permite que as medidas de segurança sejam equilibradas com o risco real de trabalhar com agentes... biológicos, caso a caso. Isso permitirá que os países implementem políticas e práticas de biossegurança e biosseguridade laboratoriais economicamente viáveis e sustentáveis que sejam relevantes para suas circunstâncias e prioridades individuais.A necessidade de atualizar as diretrizes de biossegurança de laboratórios internacionais faz parte de uma iniciativa mais ampla para globalizar a biossegurança e enfatizar os princípios e as abordagens que são acessíveis a países que tenham ampla gama de recursos financeiros, técnicos e regulatórios
The Greater Horn of Africa is experiencing one of the worst food insecurity situations in decades. It is estimated
that more than 37 million people are in Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC)1 phase 3 or above and approximately 7 million children under the age of five are acutely mal...nourished in the region. While finding food and safe water is the absolute priority, the health response is essential to avert preventable disease and death.
For health care providers.
Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest maternal mortality in the world. According to estimates by the United Nations Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-Agency Group (UN MMEIG)1 in September 2017, while the African Region had recorded a significant decline in maternal mortali...ty rate (MMR) of 37.8% between 2000 and 2017, 66% of the 295 000 maternal deaths reported globally occurred in sub-Saharan Africa. The African Region is also noted to have an extremely high MMR, estimated at 542 per 100000 livebirths, with an average annual rate of reduction of 2.9%.
This Joint Evaluation of the Protection of the Fundamental Rights of Refugees during the COVID-19 Pandemic was commissioned under the auspices of the COVID-19 Global Evaluation Coalition. The evaluation examines the effectiveness of international cooperation and the combined response of host states,... United Nations (UN) system agencies, and non-governmental and civil society organisations including refugee-led organisations in ensuring the protection of the rights of refugees during the global pandemic.
During the COVID-19 health crisis, community pharmacists had an enhanced role in supporting health-care systems that were overburdened by managing seriously ill patients. This study was undertaken to determine the patterns of community supply of antiviral and antibacterial agents from community phar...macies during the COVID-19 pandemic in selected countries in eastern Europe and central Asia. Nine countries – Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, North Macedonia, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan – participated in this cross-sectional study.
Global asymmetries influence policies for recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean. Nearly 30 years after the Earth Summit and the global adoption of an international development agenda, in practical terms the environmental pillar of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has not been taken ...into consideration in recovery policies in the region. This has created major problems in terms of the medium- and long-term direction of regional economies.
Interactive platform visualizing mortality data. The WHO Mortality Database is a compilation of mortality data by country and area, year, sex, age and cause of death, as transmitted annually by national authorities from their civil registration and vital statistics system. It comprises data since 19...50 to date.
Este rotafolio es un material didáctico, ilustrado, importante para la labor que realiza el personal del sector de la salud,
llámense auxiliares de enfermería, agentes comunitarios de salud, promotores de salud, entre otros, para la divulgación y apropiación de los conceptos básicos de la TUB...ERCULOSIS, ya sea durante la visita domiciliaria o durante las actividades con las instituciones de salud de su zona u otras organizaciones, mediante acciones dirigidas ala prevención y el control de esta enfermedad.
Female Genital Mutilation in Mali: Insights from a statistical analysis Mali is home to nearly 8 million girls and women who have experienced FGM. Overall, 89 per cent of girls and women aged 15 to 49 years have undergone the practice, ranging from 96 per cent in Sikasso region to 1 per cent or less... in Gao and Kidal
Over 400,000 girls and women in Guinea-Bissau alive today have experienced FGM. Overall, 52 per cent of girls and women aged 15 to 49 years have undergone the practice, varying from 96 per cent in Gabu region to 8 per cent in Biombo
Au Mali, près de huit millions de filles et de femmes ont subi des MGF. À l’échelle nationale, 89 % des filles et des femmes âgées de 15 à 49 ans ont subi cette pratique. À l’échelle infranationale, cette proportion varie de 96 % dans la région de Sikasso à moins de 1 % dans les régio...ns de Gao et Kidal.
Es besteht die Möglichkeit ohne Fahrkarte mit einem ukrainischen Pass/ID oder ukrainischem Aufenthaltsnachweis bis Berlin, Dresden, Nürnberg oder München zu fahren. Zur Weiterreise kann im DB Reisezentrum oder in einer DB Agentur ein kostenfreies „Help Ukraine-Ticket“ bis zum Zielort ausgeste...llt werden.
The Investment guidelines for youth in agrifood systems in Africa, developed jointly by FAO and the African Union Commission (AUC) through a multi-stakeholder and participatory process, highlight the importance of youth as change agents and key stakeholders contributing to sustainable agrifood syste...ms. The guidelines aim to accelerate investments in and by youth in agrifood systems by providing practical guidance - including tools and examples - to design, develop, implement, monitor and evaluate youth-focused and youth-sensitive investment programmes and to engage youth fully as partners in the entire process.
This facilitators’ guide is part of a five-part Caregiver skills training for families of children with developmental delays or disabilities (CST) package providing guidance on caregiver skills training for families of children aged 2–9 years with developmental delays or disabilities.
This fa...cilitators’ guide provides information for leading group sessions 1–9. It is a reference manual to be used in conjunction with specific training and under supervision.
This participants’ guide is part of a five-part Caregiver skills training for families of children with developmental delays or disabilities (CST) package providing guidance on caregiver skills training for families of children aged 2–9 years with developmental delays or disabilities.
This pa...rticipants’ guide is meant to be used by caregivers who are participating in WHO’s caregiver skills training. The guide provides content that will be used during each of the caregiver skills training core group sessions (sessions 1–9). It includes illustrated descriptions of the key messages and tips (skills and strategies) taught in each session as well as goal-setting activities.
This guide is part of a five-part Caregiver skills training for families of children with developmental delays or disabilities (CST) package providing guidance on caregiver skills training for families of children aged 2–9 years with developmental delays or disabilities.
This guide for facilita...tors provides information for leading the three home visits. It is a reference manual to be used in conjunction with specific training in caregiver skills training and under supervision. The guide includes detailed descriptions of the objectives and activities for each home visit. Goal setting information and forms are also included, along with information for trouble shooting and problem solving.
This adaptation and implementation guide is part of a five-part Caregiver skills training for families of children with developmental delays or disabilities (CST) package providing guidance on caregiver skills training for families of children aged 2–9 years with developmental delays or disabiliti...es.
This adaptation and implementation guide provides information on how to adapt caregiver skills training materials and delivery strategies to the local context. It includes guidance on development and implementation of contextual and cultural adaptation plans.
The war in Ukraine will have direct and indirect health consequences on conflict affected people, including internally displaced people and refugees. Governments in countries receiving refugees are providing them with access to healthcare. This document aims to provide information to guide individua...l health assessment carried out by frontline health providers at border areas, reception centres, transit centres and individual clinics as well as national public health agencies/authorities in countries receiving refugees and third country nationals.
This second edition of the Infection prevention and control in the context of coronavirus disease (COVID-19): A living guideline provides the most up to date technical guidance on mask use in community settings in the context of COVID-19.
In this edition, new information includes updated mask re...commendations for children in community settings including updated age specific recommendations, statements for children with disabilities and those at high risk for complications related to COVID-19 infection. Updated implementation considerations for mask use in school settings are also included.
This living guideline is being published using the MAGICApp online publishing platform https://app.magicapp.org/#/guideline/Lr2a8L , as well as in PDF copy on the WHO website.
The African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the African Union together have called for a New Public Health Order which will safeguard the health and economic security of the continent as it strives to meet the aspirations of the Agenda 2063. A key pillar of this mandate seeks to expan...d the local manufacture of vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics. Presently, less than one percent of vaccines administered on the continent are manufactured locally. This places a great burden on the health systems of African countries and reduces their ability to respond to pandemics and other health crises.