Fotonovela to promote COVID-19 vaccination. This comic-book style graphic tells the story of a daycare worker’s decision to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
Joule 5, 2687–2714 October 20, 2021 Cell Press
IOM Ethiopia plans to provide timely and tailored humanitarian assistance and resilience programming for crisis-affected populations in Ethiopia and vulnerable migrant returnees, aiming towards durable and sustainable solutions.
More than 8 million children have access to distance learning thanks to partnerships with 322 radio stations and 23 TV channels
1.2 million community masks distributed
25 million people reached with key messages on how to prevent COVID-19 through mass media channels (300 radio stations and... 50 TV channels)
64,283 calls managed by the COVID-19 Hotline
71,532 people (including 21,415 children) affected by COVID-19 and 6,005 frontline workers provided with psychosocial support since the beginning of the epidemic
The following key messages on human rights, the environment and COVID-19 highlight essential human rights obligations and responsibilities of States and others, including businesses, in addressing and responding to the COVID-19 crisis.
Razum O et al. Covid-19 in Flüchtlingsunterkünften: ÖGD. Gesundheitswesen 2020; 82: 392–396
BMJ Global Health2020;5:e002786. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002786
Over 1 million women in Burkina Faso caught between conflict and COVID-19
More than a million women and girls in Burkina Faso are facing increased sexual violence, hunger and water shortage as a result of the coronavirus pandemic on top of the existing conflict, said Oxfam today.
In its report “...Women in Burkina Faso’s crisis: survivors and heroines”, Oxfam reveals that women and girls are exposed to unprecedented risks including daily harassment and aggression, especially in the fields and at water points.
Use this checklist to quickly remind yourself of the essential components of community engagement in your response, including when movement restrictions may be in place.
Last update: 2 April 2020
IAEA Safety Standards for protecting people and the environment
BMJ 2020;368:m800 doi: 10.1136/bmj.m800 (Published 5 March 2020)
This checklist has been developed to support hospital preparedness for the management of COVID-19 patients.
Elements to be assessed have been divided into the following areas:
Establishment of a core team and key internal and external contact points
Human, material and facility capacit...y
Communication and data protection
Hand hygiene, personal protective equipment (PPE), and waste management
Triage, first contact and prioritisation
Patient placement, moving of the patients in the facility, and visitor access
Environmental cleaning
For each area mentioned above, the elements or processes were identified and the items to be checked are listed below.
A procedure for the self-auditing of compliance with this checklist should be considered.