The COPSI project is divided into three phases: the first in which the intervention is developed, the second in which researchers evaluate the intervention in a randomised controlled trial, and the final one in which the results of the trial are analysed and disseminated.
A COPSI resource kit has ...been developed comprising the COPSI training manual for the community health workers, intervention flip chart, 14 intervention handouts, recovery stories booklet and videos about people with schizophrenia and their families telling their stories of illness and recovery in a deeply personal way.
To access the videos, please click to to watch the video based in Tamil Nadu and to watch the video based in Maharashtra.
Q3: What approaches are available to enable non-specialized health care providers to identify children with intellectual disabilities, including intellectual disabilities due to specific causes?
Capter A.1
Ethics and international child and adolescent psychiatry
Developmental disorders
Chapter C.4
This journal is funded by CBM
In this course you will examine the interconnections between poverty, development and violent conflict. This is one of seven Medical Peace Work courses.
Externalising disorders
Chapter D.3
Mood disorders
Chapter E.2
Anxiety disorders
Chapter F.2
Substance use disorders
Chapter G.3
Other disorders
Chapter H.5
Chapitre J.1
Edition en français
Traduction : Laure Woestelandt, Jordan Sibeoni Sous la direction de : Marie-Rose Moro Avec le soutien de la SFPEADA
Alcohol misuses
Substance use disorders
Chapter G.1
Trouble de l'humeur
Chapitre E.2
Edition en français Traduction : Xavier Benarous Sous la direction de : David Cohen Avec le soutien de la SFPEADA
Child and adolescent psychiatric emergencies
Chapter J.1