Because, in the face of crises and emergencies, it is vital to include a human rights perspective in responses. Vulnerable groups face major obstacles to accessing and benefiting from prevention, mitigation, and health care policies due to structural barriers of inequality. To offer... guidelines to the countries of the Americas for crafting and implementing inclusive and accessible, human rights-based responses to a pandemic that is unprecedented in the region and in the world as a whole.
The accounting framework for health care financing is a key component of A System of Health Accounts 2011, published by OECD, Eurostat and WHO in October 2011.1 The framework makes health accounts more adaptable to rapidly evolving health financing systems, further enhances crosscountry comparabilit...y of health expenditures and financing data, and ultimately improves the information base for the analytical use of national health accounts (NHAs). It is hoped that SHA 2011 – including its financing framework – will make health accounts a more useful assessment and monitoring tool for health systems and health expenditure in the economy as a whole.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 11(2): e0005356 -Published: February 23, 2017 21 pp
Domestic Violence Act Training Module
ATLAS on substance use (2010) — Resources for the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders
Accessed: 14.03.2019
Overview of available standardized measures of Complex Trauma on www.nctsn.org | Accessed online February 2019
Accessed: 21.03.2019
mhGAP Training Manual for the mhGAP Intervention Guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health settings – version 2.0 (for field testing)
In the last quarter century, several projects emerged to reform mental health services in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Some did not survive the difficulties that inevitably arise in processes of change, and ended up disappearing before the intended changes could be introduced. Others, how...ever, as shown in this publication, were able to overcome difficulties and meet intended objectives, effectively transforming the structure and quality of services. All these projects, including the many that did not survive, were part of one of the richest experiences in the transformation of mental health care worldwide - the experience of mental health reform in Latin America and the Caribbean
Assessment and Guidance for Strengthening Integration of Mental Health into Primary Health Care and Community-Based Service Platforms in Ukraine
Q7. SCOPING QUESTION: In adults with moderate-severe depressive disorder, what is the effectiveness and safety of antidepressant medication (ADM) in comparison with psychological treatment?
The WHO mhGAP programme’s existing guidelines recommend that either structured brief psychological treatm...ents (e.g., interpersonal psychotherapy or cognitive behavioural therapy, including behavioural activation) or antidepressant medication (e.g., SSRIsi and tricyclic antidepressants) be considered in adults with moderate-severe depression. Health care workers need to know whether these treatments have different effects, including side-effects, in treating depressive disorder in the short and long term, in order to improve clinical decision-making.
The COPSI project is divided into three phases: the first in which the intervention is developed, the second in which researchers evaluate the intervention in a randomised controlled trial, and the final one in which the results of the trial are analysed and disseminated.
A COPSI resource kit has ...been developed comprising the COPSI training manual for the community health workers, intervention flip chart, 14 intervention handouts, recovery stories booklet and videos about people with schizophrenia and their families telling their stories of illness and recovery in a deeply personal way.
To access the videos, please click to http://www.sangath.in/copsi/ to watch the video based in Tamil Nadu and to watch the video based in Maharashtra.
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