Medical Journal of Zambia, Volume 36 Number 4 (2009)
GMS Journalfor MedicalEducation2018, Vol. 35(3),ISSN 2366-5017
A multisectoral approach to prevent anemia will save lives and improve the wellbeing of mothers, infants, and children
Many migrants find themselves with limited access, if any, to information about risks, prevention measures, health care and other essential services. Migrants in transit, those in need of international protection or without legal status are likely to be particularly vulnerable, as well as those who ...are homeless, held in detention, living in camps, formal or informal settlements or otherwise precarious conditions
The report underscores that sexual and reproductive health and rights are often the first to be sacrificed during epidemics and that the gains of the past decade must be protected. The report also makes it clear that scarce resources must be focused on the most marginalized women and girls, includin...g sex workers, gender diverse people, women in prison and migrants and others without proof of employment or residence.
Les activités menées au cours de l'année 2022 ont été effectuées dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de coopération OMS -Burundi 2019 – 2023 et en accord avec les quatre axes stratégiques qui soustendent le Budget-Programme 2022-2023.
Ce Budget-Programme (BP) est issu du 1...3ème Programme Général de Travail (PGT) de l’OMS (2019-
Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública 2017 Vol 34 (2)
En el presente artículo se desarrolla la situación epidemiológica de la TB en el Perú al 2015, los avances en su control, de acuerdo a tres enfoques: biomédico, de gestión pública y de determinantes sociales de la salu...d, y plantea desafíos para hacer frente a la TB en el marco de la Ley 30287 y la estrategia "Fin de la Tuberculosis".