UNICEF provides a detailed update and list of Ebola virus disease personal protective equipment technical specifications for use in high- and low-risk settings. It includes barriers for full body protection, as well as the head, nose, mouth, eyes, hands and feet. In selecting the right PPE specifica...tions for frontline workers, the degree of contact with infectious material, and the potential for infected fluid penetration should be considered.
Ebola messages based on their qualitative research done in hotspot areas of Bombali and Urban Freetown, Jan-Feb 2015
Reference Manual for Programme Managers on Accreditation Process
Strengthening competency based training of health care providers for Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child & Adolescenct Health (RMNCH + A) services
The Regional strategy for measles control recommends that a second opportunity for measles immunization be provided to all children irrespective of their vaccination status or history of clinical measles. The preferred method of provision of a second opportunity is through Supplemental Immunization ...Activities (SIAs) targeting children 9 months to 14 years in catch-up campaigns and 9 months to 4 or 5 years during periodic follow-up campaigns