Pan African Medical Journal 2017;27:215. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2017.27.215.12994
The report surveyed 9 leading bilateral and multilateral education donors in respect of their approach to disability-inclusive education.
Perspectives sur les drogues
In der Broschüre wird kurz und knapp erläutert, wie die Gesundheitsversorgung von Asylsuchenden in Deutschland erfolgt, wann man einen Behandlungsschein benötigt, was in einem Notfall zu tun ist oder wie Schwangere versorgt werden. Gleichzeitig weist sie auf wichtige Gegebenheiten, wie die Unters...uchung von Männern durch Ärztinnen, die Aufklärung durch den Arzt oder verfügbare Leistungen für Asylbewerber, hin.
Die Broschüre wurde in Deutsch, Englisch und Arabisch veröffentlicht.
This document provides training and guidance on legal capacity and how supported decision making, recovery plans and advance plans help to avoid involuntary detention and treatment and ensure people are able to exercise their right to legal capacity.
Standard Treatment Guidelines
Prepared as an outcome of ICMR Subcommittee on Esophageal Cancer | This consensus document on management of esophageal cancers
summarizes the modalities of treatment including the site-specific anti-cancer therapies, supportive and palliative care and molecular markers and research questions. It a...lso interweaves clinical, biochemical and epidemiological studies.
Interim Guidance.
A number of medical problems have been reported in survivors, including mental health issues. Ebola virus may persist in some body fluids, including semen. Ebola survivors need comprehensive support for the medical and psychosocial challenges they face and also to minimize the ...risk of continued Ebola virus transmission. WHO has developed this document to guide health services on how to provide quality care to survivors of Ebola virus disease
Рекомендации ВОЗ по оказанию дородовой помощи для формирования положительного опыта беременности
Eur Respir J 2016; 48: 808–817 | DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00840-2016
In this guide you'll find information to available services for hospice and palliative care.
available in arabic, bulgarian, german, english, kurmanji, polish, russian, romanian, serbian and turkish on: