Website last accessed on 22.05.2023
Leishmania- Ciclo de Vida
Website last accessed on 22.05.2023
Leishmaniasis refers to a diverse group of diseases caused by single-celled parasites called Leishmania. About 12 million people are infected at any one time, causing up to 40,000 deaths annually.
The VALIDATE Network - Vaccine development for complex intra...cellular neglected pathogens
Website last accessed on 14.04.2023
Food-borne trematode infections are zoonotic, and their pathogens can be transmitted to humans only after the completion of a complex life cycle, some stages of which take place in the body of an intermediate animal host. The first intermediate hosts of all tr...ematode species are freshwater snails. The second host varies depending on the species: in the case of clonorchiasis and opisthorchiasis it is freshwater fish, and in the case of paragonimiasis it is crustaceans.
Website last accessed ob 14.04.2023
Los trematodos transmitidos por los alimentos son zoonosis y sus patógenos sólo pueden transmitirse al ser humano tras completar un complejo ciclo vital, algunas de cuyas etapas tienen lugar en un hospedador animal intermediario. El primer hospedador interme...diario de todas las especies de trematodos son los caracoles de agua dulce. El segundo hospedador difiere según la especie: en el caso de la clonorquiasis y la opistorquiasis son los peces de agua dulce, y en el de la paragonimiasis, los crustáceos.
Website last accessed on 14.04.2023
Food-borne trematode infections are zoonotic, and their pathogens can be transmitted to humans only after the completion of a complex life cycle, some stages of which take place in the body of an intermediate animal host. The first intermediate hosts of all tr...ematode species are freshwater snails. The second host varies depending on the species: in the case of clonorchiasis and opisthorchiasis it is freshwater fish, and in the case of paragonimiasis it is crustaceans.
Website last accessed on 14.04.2023
Трематодозы пищевого происхождения являются зоонозами, и их возбудители могут передаваться человеку только после завершения сложного жизне...нного цикла, некоторые стадии которого протекают в организме промежуточного животного хозяина. Первыми промежуточными хозяевами всех видов трематод являются пресноводные улитки. Второй хозяин бывает разным в зависимости от вида: в случае клонорхоза и описторхоза это пресноводные рыбы, а в случае парагонимоза — ракообразные.
Website last accessed on 14.04.2023
Les trématodes d'origine alimentaire sont des zoonoses et leurs agents pathogènes ne peuvent être transmis à l'homme qu'après avoir accompli un cycle de vie complexe, dont certaines étapes se déroulent dans un hôte animal intermédiaire. Les premiers h...ôtes intermédiaires de toutes les espèces de trématodes sont les escargots d'eau douce. Le deuxième hôte diffère selon l'espèce : dans le cas de la clonorchiase et de l'opisthorchiase, il s'agit de poissons d'eau douce, et dans le cas de la paragonimiase, de crustacés.
Website last accessed on 14.04.2023
One of the ongoing challenges with neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) is that the discovery of medicines to treat them has been very slow. Current global programmes for NTDs largely depend on donated medicines, primarily to treat the world’s poorest people ... most of whom live in remote rural or in deprived urban settings.
WHO recently spoke to Mr Robert J. Gyurik, who discovered albendazole in 1972. He took us through the journey that led him to develop the compound.
Website last accessed on 14.04.2023
Health workers Luke (Kenya), Juliana (Colombia), and Shishu (India) share the same hope for their patients with leishmaniasis: simple, oral treatments. For the first time ever, it seems leishmaniasis research is moving from neglect to a sense of hope.
Website last accessed on 14.04.2023
The GARC Education Platform (GEP) is a set of free online courses developed to improve the skills and knowledge of people working in rabies awareness and prevention. Through the GEP, we aim to empower people to become rabies advocates, focal persons, and exper...ts across the globe. After completing each course, you become a certified graduate and receive a unique certificate of completion!
Website last accessed on 09.04.2023
Youtube Video - Documentário Doença de Chagas