The Sphere standards in national humanitarian response discussion paper sets out to understand and describe opportunities for adapting international humanitarian standards to a regional, national or local level in preparing for, or responding to a disaster. The paper, which includes case studies and... recommendations for humanitarian professionals, is available in English, French and Spanish
Achieving Quality Health Care in Bangladesh:
2014 Bangladesh Health Facility Survey (BHFS)
A series of information sheets to help empower communities and strengthen health systems
This series of information sheets introduces health literacy, its
relevance to public policy, and the ways it can be used to inform
the promotion of good health, the prevention and management
of communicab...le and noncommunicable diseases, and the
reduction of health inequities. It provides information and links
to further resources to assist organizations and governments
to incorporate health literacy responses into practice, service
delivery systems, and policy.
This manual provides a practical method for determining the pharmacovigilance indices. It is designed to be simple and can be understood by any worker in pharmacovigilance without formal training in monitoring and evaluation. Pharmacovigilance as a medical discipline is crucial in preventing medicin...e-related adverse effects in humans, promoting patient safety, and the rational use of medicines. The indicators proposed in this manual are based on the expected functions of pharmacovigilance centres as described in the WHO Mimimum Requirements for a Functional Pharmacovigilance System (1) (see Annex 1 of the manual).
Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance and Research Network | This document contains detail procedures on sample collection, transport, isolation, identification of fungi for the diagnosis of invasive fungal infections and antifungal susceptibility testing of yeast
This study explores the knowledge of primary school teachers in
identifying children with learning disabilities.
For medical students and doctors
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment
Volume 2015, Article ID 752709, 7 pages
The Wits Justice Project
HIV Nursing Matters / page 30-33 / June 2015
Source: Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of HIV in Arrested, Detained and Sentenced Persons, 2008.
Les périodes périnatale et néonatale constituent des moments critiques dans la vie des mères et des nouveau-nés. En effet, pendant ces périodes, des complications obstétricales, foetales et néonatales surviennent entrainant des mort-nés, des décès néonatals et des possibilités d’incap...acités si l’enfant survit. Les présentes directives nationales de santé des nouveau-nés, définies comme des lignes de conduite données par l’Autorité, en l’occurrence le Ministre de la Santé, visent à prévenir, dépister et prendre en charge ces complications en vue de d’améliorer la qualité des soins et de réduire la morbidité et la mortalité foetales et néonatales, ainsi que les handicaps à moyen ou long terme chez l’enfant. Les directives se focalisent principalement sur la période autour de l’accouchement, les premières heures et les sept (7) premiers jours de vie de l’enfant.
Pour les rendre opérationnelles, il faudrait
The AFP SMART Facilitator’s Guide is intended to help advocates plan, execute, and evaluate an advocacy strategy session.
Guidelines for Handling Temperature Sensitive Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals
This report from Human Rights Watch found that South Africa has failed to guarantee the right to education for many of the country’s children and young adults due to widespread discrimination against children with disabilities in enrollment decisions. Human Rights Watch research in five out of Africa’s nine provinces showed that children with disabilities face discriminatory physical and attitudinal barriers, often beginning early in children’s lives when government officials classify them according to their disabilities. Human Rights Watch August 2015