This guidance is intended for use in developing standalone TB strategic plans, or TB interventions as part of multidisease or health sector plans. It describes key considerations and steps for strategic planning for TB in line with the World Health Organization’s End TB strategy, and the proposed ...structure of the NSP. The target audience of this publication are all stakeholders involved in national strategic planning for TB (e.g., ministry of health, other government ministries, private sector, civil society, affected communities, academic and research institutions, and technical and funding partners).
The current document is an update to the 2015 Toolkit to develop a national strategic plan for TB prevention, care and control.
Frontiers in Pediatrics |
1 April 2019 | Volume 7 | Article 159
Report of a World Health Organization and International Diabetes Federation meeting
Rreport of a WHO Consultative Meeting Kolkata India 2012
Sexual and Reproductive Health
This position paper on polio vaccines replaces the 2016 WHO position paper, and summarizes recent developments in the field.
Essential Drug list on page 36!!
PLoS ONE 9(1): e87262. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0087262
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