Children are at high risk of dog bites and contracting rabies. Forty percent of reported rabies cases worldwide are children under the age of fifteen. In our project areas, the proportion of children dying is often even higher. Rabies most often persists in poor communities and rural regions of deve...loping countries in Africa and Asia. If the risks are widely understood and appropriate dog bite treatment is well known – rabies is 100% preventable.
In this document, recommendations are provided on designing and implementing
a cross-sectional serosurvey using school-based sampling to estimate age-specific
DENV seroprevalence to inform a country’s national dengue vaccination program.
The document includes recommendations for methods for ...planning and conducting
serosurveys, including survey design, specimen collection, laboratory testing, data
analysis, and the interpretation and reporting of results.
Scabies is a skin infection that is a result of direct skin to skin contact and is primarily mediated by close and extended contact with scabies infested person. Scabies occurs worldwide among people of all ages, races, genders and social classes and has been identified as a neglected tropical infec...tious disease. Globally, it affects more than 130 million people at any time.
Les procédures décrites dans cette POS concernent à la fois l'environnement dans lequel les tests
index sont effectués (par exemple, la construction d'une infrastructure qui garantit la confidentialité,
les formulaires disponibles sur place, le stockage des données physiques et numériques)
également les actions requises des agents de santé qui effectuent le test index. Les personnes
chargées de la mise en œuvre de ces POS devront également connaître les POS concernant
l'identification et la réponse face à la violence dans le contexte des tests index. Les recommandations
relatives au contenu des services d'intervention en cas de violence sont fournies en Annexe A
Every day in 2020, approximately 800 women died from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth - meaning that a woman dies around every two minutes.
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 3.1 is to reduce maternal mortality to less than 70 maternal deaths per 100 000 live births by ...2030.
The United Nations Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-Agency Group (MMEIG) – comprising WHO, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Bank Group and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (UNDESA/Population Division) has collaborated with external technical experts on a new round of estimates covering 2000 to 2020. The estimates represent the most up to date, internationally-comparable MMEIG estimates of maternal mortality, using refined input data and methods from previous rounds.
The report presents internationally comparable global, regional and country-level estimates and trends for maternal mortality between 2000 and 2020.
Yaws is a non-venereal endemic treponemal infection caused by Treponema pallidum sub-species pertenue, a bacterium closely related to Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum, the agent of venereal syphilis. Yaws predominantly affects children living in tropical regions of the world. It causes lesions of th...e skin, mucous membranes and bones which, without treatment, can become chronic and destructive. There is no widely available test to distinguish yaws from syphilis. Thus, migration of people from yaws-endemic areas to developed countries may present clinicians with diagnostic dilemmas. The other endemic treponemal infections are bejel (endemic syphilis) caused by Treponema pallidum ssp. endemicum and pinta caused by Treponema carateum.
Yaws is a disfiguring non-venereal disease caused by infection with the spirochaete. Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue which is closely related to the causative agent of syphilis and those of the other endemic treponematoses, bejel and pinta. The disease is endemic in certain areas of the World... Health Organization (WHO) African, South-East Asia and Western Pacific regions. Of the neglected tropical diseases identified for elimination and eradication, yaws is one of two diseases targeted for eradication. In 1949, the Second World Health Assembly adopted resolution WHA2.36, which addresses yaws, bejel and pinta as major public health problems that need attention.
Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT, sleeping sickness) and Animal African Trypanosomiasis (AAT) are neglected tropical diseases generally caused by the same etiological agent, Trypanosoma brucei. Despite important advances in the reduction or disappearance of HAT cases, AAT represents a risky reserv...oir of the infections. There is a strong need to control AAT, as is claimed by the European Commission in a recent document on the reservation of antimicrobials for human use. Control of AAT is considered part of the One Health approach established by the FAO program against African Trypanosomiasis. Under the umbrella of the One Health concepts, in this work, by analyzing the pharmacological properties of the therapeutic options against Trypanosoma brucei spp., we underline the need for clearer and more defined guidelines in the employment of drugs designed for HAT and AAT. Essential requirements are addressed to meet the challenge of drug use and drug resistance development. This approach shall avoid inter-species cross-resistance phenomena and retain drugs therapeutic activity.
DPDx - Laboratory Identification of Parasites of Public Health Concern
Trypanosoma cruzi, is a parasitic protozoan that is the causative agent of Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis). Currently, six distinct lineages of T. cruzi are classified into discrete typing units (TcI-VI), which vary in... their geographic occurrence, host specificity, and pathogenicity.
The main objective of the malaria prevention and control programme in Somalia is to prevent mortality and reduce morbidity due to malaria. The groups most vulnerable to the disease, children aged under 5 years and pregnant women, are especially targeted. Effective case management - early diagnosis a...nd treatment - is a critical component of malaria prevention and control. To achieve the main objective of reducing malaria morbidity and prevention of malaria mortality, the availability of safe, effective, affordable and accessible anti-malarial drugs is a prerequisite.
La Confédération internationale des sages-femmes (ICM) a mis au point les Normes internationales pour la réglementation de la pratique de sage-femme (2011) de l'ICM en réponse aux demandes des sages-femmes, des associations de sages-femmes, des
gouvernements, des agences onusiennes et d'autres ...parties prenantes. Ces normes ont pour objectif de promouvoir des mécanismes de réglementation qui protègent le public (les femmes et leurs enfants) en s'assurant que des sages-femmes compétentes et fiables fournissent des niveaux de soins élevés à chaque femme et à chaque bébé. La
réglementation vise à aider les sages-femmes à travailler de manière autonome sur l'ensemble de leur champ d'activité. En relevant le statut des sages-femmes par le biais de la réglementation, le niveau des soins de maternité et la santé des mères et des bébés s'en trouveront renforcés.
The Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization held a meeting on 3-6 October 2022. This report summarizes the discussions, conclusions and recommendations.
It covers the following items:
Global Reports
Immunization Agenda 2030 and Regional reports
COVID-19 vacci...nes
Polio vaccination
Ebola (Sudan ebolavirus outbreak update)
En 2013, 289 000 femmes sont décédées pendant ou après une grossesse ou un accouchement, et 2,8 millions de nouveau-nés sont morts avant l’âge de 28 jours. La majorité de ces décès ont eu lieu dans des environnements limités en ressources et la plupart auraient pu être évités.L’acco...uchement est un processus complexe et il est essentiel de penser à fournir tout ce
qui est nécessaire pour garantir que la mère et le nouveau-né reçoivent les soins les plus sûrs possible. Les listes de contrôle sont des outils utiles pour organiser des processus aussi complexes et importants ; on les utilise depuis longtemps pour inciter les utilisateurs à se rappeler les tâches essentielles pour dispenser des soins plus sûrs et de meilleure qualité
dans divers contextes.
La liste OMS de contrôle pour la sécurité de l’accouchement a été élaborée comme un outil visant à améliorer la qualité des soins prodigués aux femmes qui mettent un enfant au monde
Carlos Chagas discovered American trypanosomiasis, also named Chagas disease (CD) in his honor, just over a century ago. He described the clinical aspects of the disease, characterized by its etiological agent (Trypanosoma cruzi) and identified its insect vector. Initially, CD occurred only in Latin... America and was considered a silent and poorly visible disease. More recently, CD became a neglected worldwide disease with a high morbimortality rate and substantial social impact, emerging as a significant public health threat. In this context, it is crucial to better understand better the epidemiological scenarios of CD and its transmission dynamics, involving people infected and at risk of infection, diversity of the parasite, vector species, and T. cruzi reservoirs. Although efforts have been made by endemic and non-endemic countries to control, treat, and interrupt disease transmission, the cure or complete eradication of CD are still topics of great concern and require global attention. Considering the current scenario of CD, also affecting non-endemic places such as Canada, USA, Europe, Australia, and Japan, in this review we aim to describe the spread of CD cases worldwide since its discovery until it has become a global public health concern.
This Strategy and Plan of Action on Health Promotion within the Context of the Sustainable Development
Goals 2019-2030 seeks to renew health promotion (HP) through social, political, and technical actions,
addressing the social determinants of health (SDH), he conditions in which people are born, ...grow, live,
work, and age (1). It seeks to improve health and reduce health inequities within the framework of
the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Practical guide intended for physicians, pharmacists, nurses and medical auxiliaries. This guide is not a dictionary of pharmacological agents. It is a practical manual intended for health professionals, physicians, pharmacists, nurses and health auxiliaries invoved in curative care and drug managem...ent. We have tried to provide simple, practical solutions to the questions and problems faced by field medical staff, using the accumulated field experience of Médecins Sans Frontières, the recommendations of reference organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and specialized documentation in each field. Also available in French, Spanish and Arabic
The World Health Organization's fourth Country Cooperation Strategy 2022-2026 is an outcome of a consultative process with inputs from the Ministry of Health, various agencies in the health sector, and other relevant stakeholders. It has been developed to provide strategic direction and support towa...rd achieving the priorities of the Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini.
It is designed to support the strengthening of health systems and services toward the attainment of Universal Health
Coverage (UHC) and the Sustainable Development Goals targets. The CCS 2022-2026 also presents the collaborative
agenda between the Kingdom of Eswatini and the three levels of WHO, aligns with the strategic priorities of WHO’s
13th General Programme of Work (2019 – 2025), as well as Eswatini’s United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2021-2025
Atlas of African Health Statistics 2022: Health situation analysis of the WHO African Region
Since 2019, we have been implementing Phase 2 of the regional Transformation Agenda, which informs and aligns with the global WHO Transformation, to ensure WHO is accountable, driven by re- sults and value for money in the pursuit of better health. Our global priority in this period is to contribute to delivering on the triple billion targets of expanding universal health coverage, protecting people from emergencies, and promoting health and well-being for people across the Region.
This year’s Atlas of African Health Statistics is being produced in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic that we have been expe- riencing for over two years. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic, together with other health emergencies in the WHO African Re- gion, is yet again testing the strength and resilience of our health systems. Indeed, the impact of COVID-19 is visible in the disruption of services. The report also presents the latest data for more than 50 health-related indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals and WHO’s “triple billion” targets and provides comprehensive country-level statistics using the results chain of the AFRO frame- work of actions for strengthening health systems to achieve UHC and the health-related SDGs.
This brief advocacy document highlights the burden, risks and prevention of injuries and violence, which took the lives of 4.4 million people in 2019 and constitute 8% of all deaths. Among the injury-related causes of death include road traffic crashes, drowning, falls, burns, poisoning and violence... against oneself or others. For people age 5-29 years, three of the top five causes of death are injury-related, including road traffic injuries, homicide, and suicide. Injuries and violence are not evenly distributed across or within countries – some people are more vulnerable than others depending on the conditions in which they are born, grow, work, live and age; in general, being young, male and of low socioeconomic status all increase the risk of injury. This document, aimed at public health professionals; injury prevention researchers, practitioners and advocates; and donors, draws attention to specific strategies based on sound scientific evidence that are effective and cost-effective at preventing injuries and violence; it is critical that these strategies are more widely implemented.
3ème édition. Le compendium fournit des conseils sur les installations de lavage des mains à faible coût qui peuvent être largement utilisées dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire. Nous espérons qu'il pourra être largement partagé par les gouvernements et les agences qui s'attaqu...ent à la crise dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire où des installations de lavage des mains sont nécessaires de toute urgence dans les foyers, les communautés, les écoles et les établissements de santé.
Le compendium comprend des informations et des lectures supplémentaires sur : les installations de lavage des mains - y compris les installations accessibles à tous, les indices environnementaux pour renforcer les comportements de lavage des mains, la promotion de l'hygiène par la distance physique.