Country report
UNAIDS Series: Engaging uniformed services in the fight against AIDS
Case Study 2
Lessons from the Africa Regional Stigma Training Programme
Supporting community action on AIDS in developing countries
Strengthening Community responses to HIv Treatment and Prevention
Vision 2030
Accessed: 17.11.2019
Operational Guidelines.
Guidelines for the development of educational programmes for MHM, including tips on the topics to address and methods to assess girls’ practices in a respectful way with practical tools
Une approche intégrée de la santé et des droits humains est essentielle pour veiller à la dignité et au bien-être des femmes vivant avec le VIH.
This What Matters? edition focuses on Covid-19 rumours circulating in the Rohingya camps of Cox’s Bazar. It explores some of the more common rumours, discusses sources and formats of information, presents community perspectives about rumours and communication, and suggests approaches to with the Rohingya community about Covid-19.
Religion, belief and culture should be recognized as potential sources of moral purpose and personal strength in healthcare, enhancing the welfare of both clinicians and patients.
Ethics and communication skills| Volume 44, ISSUE 10, P589-592, October 01, 2016
This article deals with the burning issue of moral decision-making by major church assemblies, such as regional and general synods. Moral decisions by church assemblies have created many conflicts in churches in the past and at times did an injustice to the prophetic testimony of in society. The question arises as follows: To what extent should church assemblies be involved in moral decision-making? The central theoretical argument of this study is that although the notion of a ‘biblical ethic’ is valid, synods and council of churches should be extremely cautious and even hesitant to formulate moral decisions because of differences in hermeneutical approaches and the principle that the church is primarily the ‘local congregation of believers’. The church is not in the first instance a national, general or international social structure that should pass conclusive resolutions and that testifies by way of moderators or elected church leaders. To unfurl this central theoretical argument, the researcher refers to the current hermeneutical discourses and proposes certain ideas regarding the possible role of the church with respect to moral decision-making. In view of the information provided, a point of view is advocated regarding the way in which churches could be involved in moral decision-making today.
Asia is home to more than half of the world’s 1.1 billion girls. Gender inequality in many parts of the region means that girls are often systematically disadvantaged and oppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. Girls’ development is hampered by child, early and forced marri...age and high adolescent pregnancy rates. Across the region, genderbased violence against girls and women constitutes a serious and widespread rights violation, particularly with regard to domestic violence, marital rape, and trafficking in women and girls.
Emerging data shows that since the outbreak of COVID-19, violence against girls and women, particularly domestic violence, has intensified
Compilation of campaign materials
Accessed on 29 September 2020
The publication draws on pre-COVID data to highlight how children with disabilities face greater risks in the midst of this pandemic. It documents what has happened to services for children and adults with disabilities across the world and includes examples of what has been done to address disruptio...ns in services. It also discusses the challenges in generating disability-inclusive data during the pandemic.
Published:February 02, 2021DOI:
A practitioner’s guide to the principles of COVID-19 vaccine communications.
The factors that lead people to make choices to take vaccines are nuanced and affected by how they see the world, their perceptions of the choices people like them will make, who they trust, their perceptions of risk,... consistency of message and convenience of actually getting the vaccine.
A Christian Call to Reflection and ActionDuring COVID-19 and Beyond
The World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue (PCID) released a joint document, “Serving a Wounded World in Interreligious Solidarity: A Christian Call to Reflection and Action During ...COVID-19.” Its purpose is to encourage churches and Christian organizations to reflect on the importance of interreligious solidarity in a world wounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. The document offers a Christian basis for interreligious solidarity that can inspire and confirm the impulse to serve a world wounded not only by COVID-19 but also by many other wounds.
Available in different languages: German, Spanish, English, Chinese, French. Portuguese, Arabic, Italian
Recommendations and Summary
This report explores the impact of COVID-19 on humanitarian access in the initial months of the crisis, including both the delivery of assistance and performance of protection activities. It examines the varying crisis responses, including the shift to a more localized a...pproach in certain cases. The analysis draws on case research from Colombia, Myanmar, Nigeria, South Sudan and Yemen, as well as on wide-ranging interviews with humanitarian practitioners and experts from around the world. The research was conducted between August – November 2020. It does not make claims about the legitimacy of government decisions to restrict access – indeed, in many instances, there appeared to be a clear objective of limiting the spread of COVID-19 – but instead focuses on how access limitations have affected the delivery of aid.
Country Strategic Plan Evaluations (CSPEs) encompass the WFP strategy and entirety of WFP activities during a specific period. Their purpose is twofold: 1) to provide evaluation evidence and learning on WFP's performance for country-level strategic decisions, specifically for developing the next Cou...ntry Strategic Plan (CSP) and 2) to provide accountability for results to WFP stakeholders. These evaluations are mandatory for all CSPs and are carried out in line with the WFP Policy on Country Strategic Plans and the WFP Evaluation Policy.
Les pays du monde entier sont confrontés à des situations épidémiologiques diverses, et disposent de capacités de réaction différentes et d’un accès inégal aux outils permettant de sauver des vies. L’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) recommande aux autorités nationales de contin...uer à appliquer une approche fondée sur les risques lorsqu’elles mettent en œuvre des mesures relatives aux voyages internationaux dans le contexte de la COVID-19, tout en respectant la dignité, les droits humains et les libertés fondamentales des voyageurs. Cette approche doit prendre en compte le risque d’importation et d’exportation de cas posé par les voyages dans le cadre de l’évolution de la situation épidémiologique, y compris de l’émergence et de la circulation de variants préoccupants du SARS-CoV-2, du déploiement de la vaccination contre la COVID-19 et des enseignements tirés de la riposte à la pandémie, notamment en ce qui concerne la détection précoce et la prise en charge des cas, ainsi que l’application de mesures sociales et de santé publique.
Nursing Times [online]; 117: 11, 18-21.