Insecurity Insight Report 13-1.
OECD Development Policy Tools
Recognising that donor policies and responses constantly evolve, this guidance recommends that donors operating in situations of forced displacement prioritise three broad areas of work, where they can best contribute to existing capacities at the national, regiona...l and global levels.
Inclusive Project Cycle Management - This Inclusive Project Cycle Management (IPCM) training package has been developed for CBM staff and Partner Organisations worldwide. The Trainers’ Manual will guide CBM trainers. It contains the curriculum for the course and training resources for trainers to them deliver the course. The training will be successful if the trainers make sufficient planning time to prepare in advance and to respond to partners training needs. Different contexts and different partners may require different emphasis on areas that may be a challenge. This training material is not suggested as a prescriptive manual but as a suggested framework that can be added to and deepened as required. This means adapting the course to the local context and training needs and competencies of partners. In particular, it would be good to supplement or replace case studies included in the course with local case studies (refer Handout 8) and to have participants draw on their own examples.
Cette note stratégique porte spécifiquement sur le Grand Nord : soit les territoires de Beni et de Lubero au nord du Nord-Kivu constituant l’épicentre de la flambée épidémiquee. D’autres enquêtes participatives doivent être menées auprès des populations touchées, mais étant donné l...actuelle transmission du virus, la priorité a été accordée à la communication des considérations clées et des recommandations immédiates.
Октябрь 2017
Рекомендации EACS 9.0
The information in this report is up-to-date as of June 2016.
The report, which follows a field visit to the country between 28 May and 6 June, also emphasises the need for international organisations to be mindful of the long present efforts of Greek lawyers and NGOs in the field, and recommends... that new initiatives should be targeted and sustainable.
The ‘Toolkit’ is targeted at practitioners responsible for implementing recovery programmes, their objective to provide a ‘how to’ guide on development, implementing and managing complex post-disaster recovery programmes.
Disaster Recovery Toolkit
A report submitted to the International Labour Organization, Geneva