The Health Sector Development Plan 2015/16 - 2019/20 aims at accelerating movement towards Universal Health Coverage with essential health and related services needed for promotion of a healthy and productive life
Lancet Global Health Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2019, Pages e81-e95
ن عام 2017 ً كان فعال هو األكثر صعوبة على اإلطالق بين
األعوام التي سبقته. لقد سجل االقتصاد اليمني اطول انقطاع
في مرتبات موظفي الدولة، وأكبر انكماش تراكمي في الناتج
ال...محلي اإلجمالي، وأعلى زيادة في سعر صرف الدوالر، مع
نفاد االحتياطيات الخارجية وسط أزمة سيولة خانقة في القطاع
Yemen Socio-Economic Update, Issue (30) December, 2017arabic
Multilingual guide on the topic of protective vaccination for migrants in Germany.
The guide is available in 16 languages: Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, German, English, French,
Greek, Italian, Kurdish, Persian, Polish, Romanian,
Russian, Serbian, Croatian, Spanish, Turkish. For the versions i...n other languages go to
No publication year indicated
The cost of newborn and child health interventions were estimated considering several different angles. At the first attempt, the cost of implementing all newborn and child health interventions packaged as antenatal, Intra natal, Essential newborn care, Care of sic...k newborn, Care of premature & LBW, Nutrition, Immunization, Care of sick infants and newborns, ECCD and WASH was estimated. This estimate reflects the cost of entire newborn and child care program thrust in the country. Costs of different intervention sub packages were also determined.
This resource on Monitoring and Evaluating Digital Health Interventions provides step-wise guidance to improve the quality and value of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) efforts in the context of digital health interventions, also commonly referred to as mHealth or eHealth interventions. This Guide i...s intended for implementers and researchers of digital health activities, as well as policy-makers seeking to understand the various stages and opportunities for systematically monitoring implementation fidelity and for evaluating the impact of digital health interventions.
Urge una respuesta regional ante una crisis migratoria sin precedentes