Lancet 2022; 399: 1155–200 Published Online March 15, 2022
Has the world worked together to tackle the coronavirus? July 2021. This research paper assesses how the global community has responded to calls for greater solidarity in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic, and presents the insights of key stakeholders and experts in global health governance, health sec...urity, and pandemic preparedness and response. The authors examine the state of solidarity at global, regional and national levels, and present case studies on COVAX and on the EU’s turbulent journey through solidarity.
The objective of this report is to assess the situational landscape during mid-May 2020 surrounding the value chain of the production and distribution of generic antiretroviral medicines in low- and-middle-income countries and to provide recommendations on mitigating the risks of potential disruptio...ns.
The National Institute for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog has developed the Composite Water Management Index (CWMI) to enable effective water management in Indian states in the face of extreme water stress. The Index and this associated report are expected to: (1) establish a clear baseline and ben...chmark for state-level performance on key water indicators; (2) uncover and explain how states have progressed on water issues over time, including identifying high-performers and under-performers, thereby inculcating a culture of constructive competition among states; and, (3) identify areas for deeper engagement and investment on the part of the states. Eventually, NITI Aayog plans to develop the index into a composite, national-level data management platform for all water resources in India.
Previous studies have highlighted a range of individual determinants associated with HIV testing but few have assessed the role of contextual factors. The objective of this paper is to examine the influence of both individual and community-level determinants of HIV testing uptake in Burkina Faso.
Health care waste management (HCWM) and infection prevention and control (IPC) represent serious concerns for HIV programs. Improperly handled infectious health care waste poses risks to health workers, their clients, the community, and the environment. Improper injection practices can lead to new H...IV and other infections for health workers and clients. Beginning in 2015, AIDSFree continued the work started by the Government of Nigeria and USAID in 2004 to strengthen activities in IPC and HCWM. This report describes AIDSFree's results over 15 months of implementation of HCWM and IPC activities in seven Nigerian states prioritized by the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
Examination of the business behaviour of Boehringer Ingelheim, Bayer and Baxter in Uganda
Com o tema A equidade, o coração da saúde, este Plano busca catalisar esforços nos Estados Membros para reduzir as iniquidades em saúde dentro dos países e territórios e entre eles, a fim de melhorar os resultados em termos de saúde. O Plano identifica ações específicas para enfrentar a d...esigualdade em saúde, como as recomendadas pela Comissão sobre Equidade e Desigualdades em Saúde nas Américas, com a orientação da Comissão de Alto Nível para a Saúde Universal. Quatro temas transversais são centrais para o enfoque deste Plano para abordar os determinantes da saúde: a equidade, o gênero, a etnia e os direitos humanos.
Journal des anthropologues n° 138-139, 2014
Le médicament pharmaceutique industriel est un objet de santé
à la fois scientifique, populaire et marchand. Si ces deux premiers
caractères sont souvent mis en avant respectivement par les sciences
biom...édicales et pharmaceutiques, par la santé publique ainsi qu’à
travers les médias, sa troisième composante est plus souvent passée
sous silence. Elle tend à être dissimulée derrière ce qui est présenté
comme la vocation première du médicament, à savoir la santé des
individus, leur bien-être physique et psychique. Or, le caractère
marchand du médicament est un formidable vecteur de dynamiques
et d’initiatives. Il est peut-être ce qui explique avant tout
l’incroyable vitalité du secteur pharmaceutique de par la planète,
non sans poser de nombreux problèmes d’ordre sanitaire et de santé