BMC Medicine 2014, 12:196
Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2014, 3:42
Principles and Target Product Criteria. Roadmap January 12, 2015
IDS Rapid Response Briefing 8
Conflict and Health 2015, 9:8 doi:10.1186/s13031-015-0035-8
BMC Medicine (2015) 13:42 DOI 10.1186/s12916-014-0263-6
MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report December 19, 2014 / 63(50);1205-1206
Ghana is attracting global attention for efforts to provide health insurance to all citizens through the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS). With the program’s strong emphasis on maternal and child health, an expectation of the program is that members will have increased use of relevant servi...ces. The NHIS does appear to enable pregnant women to access services and allow caregivers to seek care early for sick children, but both the quantitative and qualitative assessments also indicated that the poor and least educated were less likely to have insurance than their wealthier and more educated counterparts.
Disaster Recovery Toolkit
This paper has been commissioned by RedR to identify gaps in skills, technology, and knowledge in urban humanitarian response in order to inform RedR’s project Ready to Respond which is looking to address these gaps in two specific areas:
Water supply, sanitation, and hygiene; Shelter res...ponse to earthquakes
AIDS Research and Therapy 2015, 12:12 (24 April 2015)
Manual for step-by-step risk management for safely managed sanitation systems. 2nd edition.
This Sanitation safety planning (SSP) manual provides practical, step-by-step guidance to assist in the implementation of the 2018 World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines on sanitation and health and the ...2006 WHO Guidelines for safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater in agriculture and aquaculture. The approach and tools should be applied to all sanitary systems to ensure that they are managed to meet health objectives.
The SSP manual is targeted at a variety of users at different levels including; health authorities and regulators, local authorities, sanitation utility managers, sanitation enterprises and farmers, community-based organizations, farmers associations and nongovernmental organizations.