2nd edition.
T The Compendium has been developed as a clear and concise instrument to facilitate the understanding and planning of delivery of high-quality care for everybody affected by TB. It incorporates all recent policy guidance from WHO; follows the care pathway of persons with signs or sympt...oms of TB in seeking diagnosis, treatment and care; and includes key algorithms and cross-cutting elements that are essential to a patient-centered approach in the cascade of TB care.
The Compendium is structured into 33 WHO standards and consolidates all current WHO TB policy recommendations into a single resource, with electronic links to the individual, comprehensive WHO policy guidelines
Copenhagen, Denmark, 7–8 March 2017. Meeting report
16-17 march 2015, Geneva, Switzerland
Meeting report
Objective: To review the effectiveness of antibiotic stewardship interventions in hospitals in low- and middle-income countries.
Infection Prevention and Control Programmes
January 2020
An Action Framework and annexe to Immunization Agenda 2030 (Draft version)
27 January 2021
A Joint Statement by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund.