General Coordination Information in Ukraine and Poland
24 March 2022
It outlines key achievements, needs and opportunities for intervention in the field of rehabilitation in Ukraine. The content of this document is a snapshot in time – not an in-depth analysis of the entire rehabilitation sector. The analysis focuses on rehabilitation policy and governance, service... provision, financing, information management and human resources, with the aim of improving access to high-quality rehabilitation services in Ukraine.
This document offers public health guidance for the prevention and control of COVID-19 in reception centres, and other temporary accommodation facilities, in the context of the mass influx of Ukrainian people into the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and the Republic of Moldova.
Der Live-Ticker informiert über die neuesten Entwicklungen zur Situation der Menschen auf der Flucht in und in der Nähe der Ukraine.
Die Seite des Informationsverbund Asyl und Migration enthält Verlinkungen zu Behörden auf EU- und Bundesebene und zu den Behörden der einzelnen Bundesländer. Auf den Seiten werden die Möglichkeiten der Einreise und des Aufenthalts für Personen aus der Ukraine in Deutschland und der EU thematis...iert
Wo bekommen Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine, die mit HIV leben, Infos und Versorgung? Wohin können sich Menschen in Opioid-Substitutionstherapie (OST) wenden? Wir informieren und sammeln Informationen zu diesen und anderen Fragen.
Ukraine has four operational nuclear power plants (NPPs) containing 15 nuclear reactors, as well as two research nuclear reactors, radioactive waste disposal facilities, radioactive sources used in medicine and industry, and Chernobyl NPP that was decommissioned after the 1986 accident but still hos...ts two storages for an old spent nuclear fuel units.
Artillery shelling and fires may damage the safety systems and critical supply services of those installations. The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU) has been providing daily updates to the IAEA and the global community on the situation related to the nuclear installations in Ukraine.
Informationen rund um Einreise, Aufenthalt, medizinische Versorgung, aktuelle Updates für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine und Behörden, Kommunen, Gemeinschaftsunterkünfte
If you are fleeing the war in Ukraine and coming to the European Union, you will find key information about your rights with regard to crossing the border into an EU country, eligibility for temporary protection and applying for international protection, as well as the rights of travel inside the Eu...ropean Union.
Available in English, Russian and Ukrainian
Every day, the Ministry of Health receives dozens of appeals from volunteer organisations: how exactly can they help Ukrainian medical institutions, what drugs are most needed, what equipment do they lack?
That’s why we have created a priority list of medicines, medical goods and consumables healthcare institutions primarily need. Please, take that into account when you are forming humanitarian aid.
Official Website with information in Ukrainian and English
The Ukrainian translation of the Handbook was done by the Rev Marian and Dr Roman Curkowskyj Foundation. Established in 1990 in Toronto, Canada, the Foundation supports the advancement of education, notably through the publication of works in Ukrainian. 2011 Edition.
It is estimated that prior to the war there were more than 250 000 people (1% of total population) living with HIV in Ukraine, of whom around 130 000 were receiving antiretroviral therapy.
As the displacement of people from Ukraine escalates, it is imperative that countries across Europe receivin...g these displaced people are prepared to ensure high standards of HIV prevention, treatment and care.
7 April 2022. Aimed at national policymakers, public health and healthcare planners, staff working in reception centres, and healthcare staff caring for displaced persons, the information note concludes that universal testing of incoming refugees from Ukraine for tuberculosis (TB) infection is not r...ecommended. Specific groups, such as household contacts of bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary cases, or those who are immunocompromised should however be considered for TB infection testing.
Available in Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovakian, Ukranian
The war in Ukraine will have direct and indirect health consequences on conflict affected people, including internally displaced people and refugees. Governments in countries receiving refugees are providing them with access to healthcare. This document aims to provide information to guide individua...l health assessment carried out by frontline health providers at border areas, reception centres, transit centres and individual clinics as well as national public health agencies/authorities in countries receiving refugees and third country nationals.