deux méthodes d'essai sur les comprimés et les injections de dexaméthasone
The Lancet, Planetary Health Volume 5, ISSUE 11, e766-e774, November 01, 2021
Increasing human demand for water and changes in water availability due to climate change threatens water security worldwide. Additionally, exploitation of water resources induces stress on freshwater environments, to biodiversity loss and reduced ecosystem services. We aimed to conduct a spatially detailed assessment of global human water stress for low to high environmental flow (EF) protection.
Обеспечение возможностей быстрого развертывания сил и средств для оказания неотложной помощи и интенсивного лечения (6 апреля 2020 г.)
Главный вопрос, рассматривае...мый в предлагаемом техническом руководстве, заключается в том, как
обеспечить возможности быстрого развертывания сил и средств для оказания неотложной помощи и
интенсивного лечения больных COVID-19 при сохранении основных видов больничных услуг.
Эпиднадзор за состоянием окружающей среды посредством исследования сточных вод на наличие патогенных микроорганизмов давно применяется в общественном здравоох...анении, в частности, в связи с полиовирусом,
а с недавнего времени — также в связи с проблемой устойчивости к противомикробным препаратам (УПП) . В условиях
нынешней пандемии COVID-19 данная методика используется для определения в сточных водах вируса SARS-CoV-2,
выделяемого через верхние отделы желудочно-кишечного тракта и верхние дыхательные пути, а также с фекалиями.
disease control SARS-CoV-2
The WHO COVID-19 Essential Supplies Forecasting Tool (COVID-19-ESFT) is meant to help countries forecast essential supplies for their COVID-19 response including personal protective equipment (e.g., masks and gloves), biomedical equipment for case management (e.g., ventilators and oxygen, diagnostic reagents and equipment, essential drugs for supportive care, and consumable medical supplies.
The tool is best suited for estimating essential supply needs over a short time period (12 weeks or fewer) but can be used for longer.
COVID-19-ESFT does not quantify or account for resources already available locally or those pending delivery. When using the ESFT to inform procurement, we recommend factoring in resources already available locally and only including the additional resources required in the forecast.
This tool is updated regularly so users should monitor the website for the latest release version.
COVID-19 disproportionately affects the poor and vulnerable. Community health workers are poised to play a pivotal role in fighting the pandemic, especially in countries with less resilient health systems. Drawing from practitioner expertise across four WHO regions, this article outlines the targete...d actions needed at different stages of the pandemic to achieve the following goals: (1) PROTECT healthcare workers, (2) INTERRUPT the virus, (3) MAINTAIN existing healthcare services while surging their capacity, and (4) SHIELD the most vulnerable from socioeconomic shocks. While decisive action must be taken now to blunt the impact of the pandemic in countries likely to be hit the hardest, many of the investments in the supply chain, compensation, dedicated supervision, continuous training and performance management necessary for rapid community response in a pandemic are the same as those required to achieve universal healthcare and prevent the next epidemic.
BMJ Global Health2020;5:e002550. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002550
Emerg Infect Dis. 2020 Jul [date cited].
Infection control instructions call for use of alcohol-based hand rub solutions to inactivate severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. We determined the virucidal activity of World Health Organization–recommen...ded hand rub formulations, at full strength and multiple dilutions, and of the active ingredients. All disinfectants demonstrated efficient virus inactivation.
Protocol and preliminary evaluationas of Jan 17, 2020
BMJ 2020; 371 doi:
Using infectious diseases sensitive to climate as indicators of climate change helps stimulate and inform public health responses
these guidelines are updated on 16 February 2021
Please check the new guideline here
Benin’s National Malaria Strategy calls for eliminating
malaria as a public health threat by 2030. ARM3 was
developed to measurably and significantly speed up
progress toward that goal.
The extensive use of natural resources threatens to exceed the carrying capacity of the Earth. The concept of a
circular economy offers an avenue to sustainable growth, good health and decent jobs, while saving the environment
and its natural resources. Further, the change from a linear economy (t...ake, make, dispose) to a circular economy (renew, remake, share) is expected to support significantly the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), particularly SDG 12 on responsible consumption and production.
В настоящем документе подчеркиваются основные аспекты организации безопасного управления медицинскими отходами для того, чтобы лица, вырабатывающие
политику, п...актикующие врачи и управляющие стремились улучшить эти службы в
медицинских учреждениях. Он основан на комплексном и более подробном пособии ВОЗ Safe management of waste from health care activities [Безопасное управление отходами медико-санитарной деятельности](WHO, 2014), а также на соответствующих резолюциях Всемирной ассамблеи здравоохранения (ВАЗ), других
документах ООН и возникающих глобальных и национальных тенденциях в области
Safe management of wastes from health-care activities: A summary
PLoS ONE 12(7): e0180996.
HIV drug resistance , Users Manual
December 2017