This brief gives an overview of disability rights in the Sub-Saharan region, with focus on Sida partner countries; DRC, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Submitted to The Lesotho National Federation of Disabled (LNFOD)
Guidance on Disability Inclusion for GBV Partners in Lebanon Toolkit
Mainstreaming Persons with Disabilities into Society
Living Conditions Among Persons with Disability Survey Report
This Charter on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action has been developed in advance of the World Humanitarian Summit (23 and 24 May 2016, Istanbul) by over 70 stakeholders from States, UN agencies, the international civil society community and global, regional and national or...ganisations of persons with disabilities. By endorsing this Charter, you will commit to render humanitarian action inclusive of persons with disabilities, by lifting barriers persons with disabilities are facing in accessing relief, protection and recovery support and ensuring their participation in the development, planning and implementation humanitarian programmes.