A Meand to enhancing HIV prevention in key populations. This document has been developed out of the increasing need to set up standards and procedures to prevent and respond to violence against key populations.
Wound care is a regular component of the package of care we offer in the majority of our health care facilities and represents a high volume of activities. The current practices in MSF projects are often based on the habits of each individual supervisor, the wound care material we off...er is partly outdated and does not allow optimal wound care. There is a need for standardization of wound care and it needs to be evidence based as much as possible, taking into account the realities of the field.
The scope of this document is to guide the caregiver in the wound care process. It does not intend to provide in depth information on wound healing or physiology. There is a wide range of literature and background information available for this purpose in the references and in the list of extra reading
Chemoprevention is the use of medicines, either alone or in combination, to prevent malaria infection and its consequences. This publication provides standardized approaches for monitoring and evaluating the efficacy of medicines used for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy, pe...rennial malaria chemoprevention (formerly known as intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in infants), seasonal malaria chemoprevention and intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in school-aged children. It follows the recent release of new and updated WHO recommendations on these interventions.
Government of Nepal has an obligation to ensure availability of affordable and high quality basic health care services to its population
Rational of the Standard Treatment Protocol (STP)
El presente protocolo es una actualización del emitido el 24 de abril 2020 y contiene las
siguientes modificaciones:
• Definición de caso: Las definiciones de caso sospechoso y confirmado son dinámicas y secundarias a la situación epidemiológica vigente. En este contexto el Ministerio de
Salud de Nación ha modificado el criterio de caso sospechoso y de caso confirmado en pediatría. El Ministerio de Salud de Provincia de Buenos Aires acepta y adhiere a estos cambios.
• Manifestaciones clínicas: Se agregan manifestaciones clínicas en pediatría en base a la evidencia disponible y según la actualización realizada por el Ministerio de Salud de
• Criterio de Alta: Los criterios de alta para el manejo de casos son dinámicos y se
adecúan conforme con las actualizaciones de la evidencia disponible y las recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. En este marco, el Ministerio de Salud de Nación ha modificado el criterio de alta del aislamiento para un caso
confirmado de COVID-19 el 24 de junio. El Ministerio de Salud de Provincia de Buenos
Aires acepta y se adhiere a este cambio.
Das „Abkommen über die Rechtsstellung der Flüchtlinge“- wie der eigentliche Titel der Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention (GFK) lautet – wurde am 28. Juli 1951 verabschiedet. Bis heute ist die GFK das wichtigste internationale Dokument für den Flüchtlingsschutz. Die Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention... war zunächst darauf beschränkt, hauptsächlich europäische Flüchtlinge direkt nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg zu schützen. Um den geänderten Bedingungen von Flüchtlingen weltweit gerecht zu werden, wurde der Wirkungsbereich der Konvention mit dem Protokoll von 1967 sowohl zeitlich als auch geografisch erweitert. Insgesamt 147 Staaten sind bisher der Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention und/oder dem Protokoll von 1967 beigetreten.
Für Versionen in anderen Sprachen (z.B. Russisch, Spanisch, Englisch, Französisch und Chinesisch) gehe zu http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/home.
Global actions to reduce antimicrobial resistance (AMR) include optimising the use of antimicrobial medicines in human and animal health. In countries with weak healthcare regulation, this requires a greater understanding of the drivers of antibiotic use from the perspective of providers and consume...rs. In Bangladesh, there is limited research on household decision-making and healthcare seeking in relation to antibiotic use and consumption for humans and livestock. Knowledge is similarly lacking on factors influencing the supply and demand for antibiotics among qualified and unqualified healthcare providers. The aim of this study is to conduct integrated research on household decision-making for healthcare and antibiotic use, as well as the awareness, behaviours and priorities of healthcare providers and sellers of antibiotics to translate into policy development and implementation
The WHO Regional Office for Europe has established the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative in more than half the countries in the Region for routine monitoring of the policy response to the emerging obesity epidemic. The aim of the Initiative is to measure trends in overweight and obesity in c...hildren aged 6.0–9.9 years to get a clear understanding of the epidemic and to allow inter-country comparisons. This document outlines the common protocol agreed for use in the Initiative.
The most frequently asked questions about the treaty and its protocol.
Gender-based violence, including rape is a problem throughout the world, occurring in every society, country and region. Refugees and internally displaced people are particularly at risk of this violation during every phase of an emergency situation. The systematic use of sexual violence as a method... of warfare is well documented and constitutes a grave breach of international humanitarian law.
The Arabic Version can be downloaded here: http://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/guidelines-health-staff-caring-gender-based-violence-survivors-including
The main objectives of the SOPs are to: (i) establish standards and timelines for response activities; and (ii) guide national governments and GPEI partners in key support functions.
This new version of the SOPs presents overall response requirements for dealing with type 1, 2 and 3 poliovirus fo...llowing monovalent type 2 oral polio vaccine (mOPV2) cessation. Version 2.4 will be valid until release of revised version 3.0 (anticipated May 2018).
Technical package for cardiovascular disease management in primary health care.
The role of environmental contamination in transmission of COVID-19 virus is currently not clear. This protocol has been designed to determine (viable) virus presence and persistence on fomites in various locations where a patient infected with COVID-19 is currently receiving care or being isolated,... and to understand how this may relate to COVID-19 transmission events in these settings. It is therefore important that it is done as part of a comprehensive outbreak investigation and that information obtained by environmental studies is combined with the results of epidemiological, laboratory and sequence data from COVID-19 patient investigations.