Reporting period: January 2008-December 2010
Accessed: 29.09.2019
Accessed: 04.10.2019
The data collection process was organized by UCDC Director, Natalia Nizova, and M&E Department Head, Igor Kuzin, and implemented by M&E specialists from oblast AIDS Centers: Zhanna Antonenko, Oksana Gorbachuk, Volodymyr Zahorovskyi (Kiev City); Anna Lopatenko, Irina Kozina, I...ryna Chukhalova, (Dnipropetrovsk); Galina Vysotskaja, Iryna Petrovska, Oleksandr Guzieiev (Mykolayiv). Qualitative data collection as well as a desk review was done by the WB’s local consultants Anna Shapoval, Olesia Trofymenko, Anna Pisotska and Elena Dzyuba.
The report was prepared by a World Bank Task Team led by Iris Semini (seconded to the World Bank until July 2013, and now back with UNAIDS), and concluded by Emiko Masaki and Marelize Görgens (World Bank), with support and guidance provided by Daniel Dulitzky, Paolo Belli, Alejandro Cedeno, Alona Goroshko and Lombe Kasonde. Administrative support was provided by Anna Goodman, Mario Mendez and Uma Balasubramanian. When draft results were ready, an in-country workshop was held where stakeholders provided their inputs. Once a draft report was produced, written comments were received from World Bank colleagues, Son Nam Nguyen, Rosemary Sunkutu and Alona Goroshko.
This toolkit was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (DHDSP) to provide healthcare organizations, including those in resource-constrained settings, with the information and resources to implement the HMP and improve hyper...tension control among their patients. CDC DHDSP developed an online toolkit that consists of interactive e-learning modules that are designed to guide learners through the key features of the ten HMP components and prepare them for implementation at their health system. The online e-learning modules are accompanied by a PDF toolkit document that can be used as an additional resource for users.
The purposes of this toolkit and the associated online e-learning modules are to provide healthcare organizations:
An overview of the HMP, its ten core components, and suggestions for implementing the HMP in clinical settings.
Guidance to staff, administrators, and other healthcare professionals on how to implement and adapt the HMP for their unique clinical setting.
The online e-learning modules you can find here:
accessed 29.07.2021
Trachoma is a bacterial eye infection found in poor, isolated communities lacking basic hygiene, clean water, and adequate sanitation.
Trachoma is easily spread from person to person through eye-seeking flies, hands, and clothes. Repeated infection over time leads to scarring and inward turning o...f the eyelid, causing the eyelashes to scratch the cornea — a very painful condition called trachomatous trichiasis — which eventually causes blindness if left untreated.
Website last accessed on 31.03.2023
At the global, national, and regional levels, there are several guidelines and guides regarding the preparedness, prevention, surveillance, and control of diseases caused by respiratory viruses; most initiatives focus on specific virus events or cases. During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ...pandemic, it has been found that even when there are strategies designed and planned for pandemics, it is necessary to strengthen and improve them. Planning for imminent threats, including those posed by respiratory viruses, contributes to strengthening the core capacities of the International Health Regulations (IHR [2005])
Diabetes is the improper regulation of blood sugar in the body. Though it has multiple types, the general consensus states that the body has too much blood sugar. Too much blood sugar in the body can be damaging to the body and lead to multiple other diseases or death.
Diabetes Burdens: 10.5% adults around the world are currently loving with diabetes.
Kerala state is moving towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDG), adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 25th September 2015.
Goal 3 of the SDG addresses “Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for
all at all ages”. The sub-goal 3.4 of the SDG has the targe...t “By 2030, reduce by one
third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and wellbeing”.
This package, developed jointly by The ACQUIRE Project and Promundo, a Brazilian nongovernmental organization, can be used by individuals, organizations, and donors to carry out needs assessments to identify gaps in male engagement programming related to HIV and AIDS prevention, care, treatment, and... support.
Ciudad de México, México - 26 al 28 de mayo del 2014
Serie: Documentos Técnico normativos
Em meados de 2021, os programas nacionais de SIDA começaram a fazer a transição do tratamento para crianças que vivem com VIH dolutegravir (DTG) 10 mg sulcado, comprimidos dispersíveis, também conhecido como DTG pediátrico (pDTG). A rápida introdução e implementação do pDTG é uma priori...dade para implementar as diretrizes da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e garantir que as crianças que vivem com VIH recebam o melhor tratamento disponível da SIDA de primeira e segunda linha o mais rápido possível. É importante notar que uma única substituição pDTG deve ocorrer independentemente da disponibilidade de um teste/carga viral (CV), ou do valor do último resultado de CV, mantendo ou otimizando as crianças usando abacavir/lamivudina (ABC/3TC) como base. Atualmente, mais de 30 países têm planos de adoção e implementação do pDTG.
Considerando los desafíos de la implementación de la Política Pública para el Desarrollo Integral de la Primera Infancia 2010-2020 (PPDIPI), el Gobierno de Guatemala tomó la decisión de realizar su actualización a través de un proceso que se encuentra liderado por la Mesa Temática de la Pri...mera Infancia (MTPI), que forma parte de la estructura de gobernanza del Gabinete Específico de Desarrollo Social (GEDS), y siguiendo los lineamientos establecidos en la Guía para Formulación de Políticas Públicas de la Secretaría de Planificación y Programación de la Presidencia (SEGEPLAN). Este proceso tiene como fin definir las acciones estratégicas que permitan potenciar el impacto de los programas nacionales integrados e incidir para mejorar la implementación de intervenciones que permitan alcanzar la amplia realización de los derechos y el potencial de todas las niñas y los niños del país.
The objective of the evaluation is to understand whether the CHW program has achieved its intended objectives, thus contributing to the overarching objectives defined in the HSSP III of improving the health status of the population by “Ensuring universal accessibility of quality health services fo...r all Rwandans”.
This evaluation has focused on CHWs, who are selected, trained and deployed by the MoH to deliver a defined set of tasks at community level. CHWs are the central element of the Community Health Policy and of the community health strategy plan (CHSP) of the MoH.