This note sets out actions to be undertaken throughout the humanitarian programme cycle (HPC) to fulfill commitments on Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) and to ensure that protection is central to humanitarian response. It sets out the fundamental link between accountability systems and in humanitarian action, and then describes, for each stage of the HPC, the accountability mechanisms that should be established and actions required at country-level.
This manual summarizes the methodology used to develop WHODAS 2.0 and the findings obtained when the schedule was applied to certain areas of general health, including mental and neurological disorders.
The manual will be useful to any researcher or clinician wishing to use WHODAS 2.0 in their prac...tice. It includes the seven versions of WHODAS 2.0, which differ in length and intended mode of administration. It also provides general population norms; these allow WHODAS 2.0 values for certain subpopulations to be compared with those for the general population.
Chapter 2 in "Latest Findings in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research" Edited by Üner Tan, ISBN 978-953-307-865-6, 404 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published February 15, 2012 under CC BY 3.0 license | Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities presents reports on a wide rang...e of areas in the field of neurological and intellectual disability, including habitual human quadrupedal locomotion with associated cognitive disabilities, Fragile X syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome, and intellectual developmental disability among children in an African setting. Studies are presented from researchers around the world, looking at aspects as wide-ranging as the genetics behind the conditions to new and innovative therapeutic approaches. (All chapters available online:
WG Implementation Guidelines Tool 4
This guide is intended to support teams working directly with communities during the Covid-19 pandemic. It provides general guidance on community engagement during outbreak responses, including how to support an integrated response, as well as outbreak prevention and response.
Funded by CBM:
ICF is WHO's framework for health and disability. It is the conceptual basis for the definition, measurement and policy formulations for health and disability. It is a universal classification of disability and health for use in health and health related sectors. ICF therefore looks like a simple he...alth classifiation, but it can be used for a number of purposes. The most important is as a planning and policy tool for decision-makers.
WG Implementation Guidelines Tool2
This annual report outlines achievements and challenges of delivering these partnerships. NUDOR takes this opportunity to thank all organizations, individuals and decision makers who have supported NUDOR to contribute to the promotion, respect and realization of the rights of persons with
La lutte contre l’épidémie de Covid-19 nous montre de manière cinglante que, sur le terrain de l’action en santé publique, les logiques de promotion de la santé sont bel et bien minoritaires. Pendant cette période de crise, la décision
politique et sanitaire se base largement sur un mod...le hygiéniste. Ce dernier s’est déployé comme si la promotion de la santé (appelée à devenir à ses origines une «nouvelle santé publique») n’avait jamais existé, comme si tout un corpus
d’enseignements n’avait pu franchir les murs des écoles, comme si un ensemble de pratiques menées depuis un demi-siècle à différentes échelles n’avaient pas démontré leur efficacité et été reconnues scientifiquement.