Después de un desastre, es importante que cuide su salud emocional.
Preste atención a la forma en que usted y su familia se sienten y actúan.
Cuidar su propia salud emocional lo ayudará a pensar con claridad y a
reaccionar a las necesidades urgentes para protegerse y proteger a su
familia. S...iga estos consejos que los ayudarán a usted y a su familia a recuperarse
o a encontrar apoyo.
Existe mucha información circulando alrededor del
coronavirus, pero no toda es verdad.
Es importante estar bien informados para así poder protegernos y proteger a nuestras comunidades
This checklist is intended to heighten the awareness and sensitivity of personnel to the importance of cultural diversity and cultural competence in human service settings. It provides concrete examples to demonstrate values and engage in practices that promote a culturally diverse and culturally co...mpetent service delivery system fo rchildren with disabilities or special health care needs and their families.
All health-care workers require clear and comprehensive training and education on the importance of hand hygiene, the "My 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene" approach and the correct procedures for handrubbing and handwashing. The following tools and resources are meant to support bridging the knowledge gap... and for you to adopt and adapt to support local improvement.
Cependant depuis le début du mois de décembre, une augmentation importante de l’incidence des nouveaux cas est observée particulièrement le long du corridor vers le grand centre urbain de Butembo (zones de santé de Butembo et Katwa) et au-delà dans la zone de santé de Kayna située à envir...on 150 km de Goma. Par ailleurs, des foyers actifs ont émergé vers le nord notamment dans les zones de santé de Komanda et Oicha.
Pais, mães, responsáveis e cuidadores de crianças,
Nesta situação que estamos vivendo durante a pandemia do novo
coronavírus, é importante conversar e explicar às crianças o que está
acontecendo. A curiosidade é normal em qualquer idade e, juntamen-
te com as dúvidas, podem surgir... sentimentos como insegurança, medo
e até raiva. Se é comum nos adultos, imagina nas crianças...
A mudança de rotina causa ansiedade, e os adultos devem mostrar
que é papel de cada um proteger-se e proteger as pessoas mais vul-
neráveis nessa pandemia.
Também é importante brincar, pois é assim que crianças aprendem da
melhor forma. Cantem juntos, dancem, façam atividades e tentem se
distrair em meio à nova rotina e às novas obrigações.
Além de manter as crianças bem entretidas, use a informação como
um instrumento de proteção para sua família.
Este rotafolio es un material didáctico, ilustrado, importante para la labor que realiza el personal del sector de la salud,
llámense auxiliares de enfermería, agentes comunitarios de salud, promotores de salud, entre otros, para la divulgación y apropiación de los conceptos básicos de la TUB...ERCULOSIS, ya sea durante la visita domiciliaria o durante las actividades con las instituciones de salud de su zona u otras organizaciones, mediante acciones dirigidas ala prevención y el control de esta enfermedad.
This brochure informes HIV postivie pregnant women what they can do for their and their babies health and stresses the importance of a good medical adivce in the beginning of the pregnancy.
It is also available in several other languages:
The research document aims to address the problem of maternal mortality, seeking to understand the importance of emergency referral and institutional delivery in reducing this number.
Helping Children Live with HIV offers a holistic approach by building on the existing knowledge of parents and caregivers and respecting the importance of other local resources. It integrates health care, illness prevention, and psychosocial support for children and families coping with poverty, foo...d insecurity, emotional trauma, loss, as well as stigma and discrimination.
This guide is intended for broad use by parents, family members, and health workers in home settings and throughout community-based health programs.
To learn more, view the table of contents and a sample chapter, and to buy your copy of this essential new resource from Hesperian.
Cognitive deficits in schizophrenia can massively impact functionality and quality of life, furthering the importance of cognitive training. Despite the development of the field in Europe and in the United States, no programmes have been developed and tested in developing countries. Different backgrounds, budget restrictions, and other difficulties may render treatment packages created in high income countries difficult for adoption by developing nations. We performed a pilot double-blind, randomized, controlled trial in order to investigate the efficacy and feasibility of an attention and memory training programme specially created in
a developing nation. The intervention used simple, widely available materials, required minimal infrastructure, and was conducted in groups.The sample included seventeen stable Brazilians with schizophrenia. Sessions were conducted weekly during five months. The cognitive training group showed significant improvements in inhibitory control and set-shifting over time. Both groups showed improvements in symptoms, processing speed, selective attention, executive function, and long-term visual memory. Improvements were found in the control group in long-term verbal memory and concentration. Our findings reinforce the idea that cognitive training in schizophrenia can be constructed using simple resources and infrastructure, facilitating its adoption by developing countries, and it may improve cognition.
Responding to COVID-19: Highlights of a Survey in ETHIOPIASummary•Almost all Ethiopiansknow about COVID-19 and basic understanding about transmission and the importance of regular hand washing is high. However, a sizeable minority seek more information, which may help address some misconceptions o...n avoidance and ‘cures.’•There is strong support for government response and high levels of trust in information coming from governments.•Ethiopians believe that COVID-19 will be a big problem for their country and that they would be seriously impacted but personally feel at relatively low risk.•Family and friends play an important role in conveying local information.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance plays an important role in the early detection of resistant strains of public health importance and prompt response to outbreaks in hospitals and the community. Surveillance findings are needed to inform medical practice, antibiotic stewardship, and policy... and interventions to combat AMR. Appropriate use of antimicrobials, informed by surveillance, improves patients’ treatment outcomes and reduces the emergence and spread of AMR. This protocol describes the steps and procedures to establish/enhance AMR surveillance in Latin America and the Caribbean.
This manual describes methods for investigating clusters or outbreaks that may be of chemical origin and describes the importance of a structured, coordinated, collaborative multidisciplinary, multi-agency approach at local, regional, national and international levels.