Цель настоящего доклада — повысить осведомленность о деменции как
одной из приоритетных проблем общественного здравоохранения, сформу-
лировать подход к этой п...облеме с точки зрения общественного здравоох-
ранения и призвать к принятию надлежащих мер на международном
и национальном уровнях на основе принципов вовлечения, интеграции,
справедливости и доказательности.
Eine Handreichung und Arbeitshilfe
EVALUATION REPORT | Esta evaluación es el primer ejercicio mundial de carácter amplio para examinar la respuesta programática del UNICEF en la protección de la infancia en situaciones de emergencia. Su objetivo es fortalecer los programas de protección de la infancia mediante la evaluación del... desempeño en los últimos años y extraer lecciones y recomendaciones que influyan en los programas actuales y futuros. Se espera que los resultados de la evaluación sirvan de base para la puesta en marcha del Plan Estratégico de 2014 a 2017. El diseño de la evaluación incluye estudios de caso de países que analizan los resultados en favor de la infancia con respecto al plan estratégico de mediano plazo (PEMP), los compromisos básicos y preguntas de evaluación seleccionadas. Doce países proporcionaron datos para el análisis, cuatro como estudios de caso con visitas a los países e informes independientes (Colombia, Pakistán, República Democrática del Congo y Sudán del Sur) y otros ocho países con estudios documentales (Afganistán, Estado de Palestina, Filipinas, Haití, Myanmar, Somalia, Sri Lanka y Sudán). Cuatro de los países (Filipinas, Haití, Myanmar y Pakistán) son países afectados por desastres y contextos repentinos, mientras que el resto son sobre todo contextos de conflictos prolongados que incluyen levantamientos violentos repentinos8
This guide provides practical, step-by-step guidance on how to organize, implement, and monitor community-based care for DR TB. It is equally useful for program planning or supervision. The target audience for this guide is TB Program Managers, governments, policy makers, nongovernmental organizatio...ns (NGOs), donors and TB advocates.
This guide does not replace other guidelines and documents that contain important medical information, such as Guidelines for the Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant TB (WHO, 2008 and 2011 updates), and Management of MDR-TB: A Field Guide (WHO, 2009).
Tomada de decisões para preparação e resposta.
A catalyst for transformation in the United Nations to deliver health results for women, children and adolescents in support of the Sustainable Development Goals
Лечение психических и неврологических расстройств
и расстройств, связанных с употреблением наркотиков
и других веществ, в чрезвычайных гуманитарных ситуациях
Mhgap Humanitarian Intervention Guide (mhGAP-HIG): Clinical management of mental, neurological and substance use conditions in humanitarian emergencies
Infectious diseases like COVID-19 can disrupt the environments in which children grow and develop. Disruptions to families, friendships, daily routines and the wider community can have negative consequences for children’s well-being, development and protection. In addition, measures used to preven...t and control the spread of COVID-19 can expose children to protection risks. Home-based, facility-based and zonal-based quarantine and isolation measures can all negatively impact children and their families.
The aim of this brief is to support child protection practitioners to better respond to the child protection risks during a COVID-19 pandemic. Part 1 presents the potential child protection risks COVID-19 can pose to children. Part 2 presents programmatic options in line with the 2019 Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) and the Guidance Note: Protection of Children During Infectious Disease Outbreaks.
En diciembre del 2019 se comunicó a la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) la ocurrencia de varios casos de neumonía en Wuhan, una ciudad situada en la provincia China de Hubei.
The UNAIDS 2020 global report is a call to action. It highlights the scale of the HIV epidemic and how it runs along the fault lines of inequalities.
There are indigenous communities at high risk in every country of the region. At stake are the lives of 45 million people who belong to more than 800 indigenous peoples. Of these, some 100 are spread across several countries, around 200 maintain voluntary isolation or are in initial contact, and nea...rly 500 are at risk of disappearing due to their reduced numbers. Due to their lower immune resistance, their lack of access to hospital care and the increasing penetration of extractive activities in their territories, indigenous communities in voluntary isolation or in initial contact are cause for particular concern.
Far from hospitals and the news cameras, indigenous people in Latin American become ill and die without access to the means needed to protect themselves. They face the pandemic in conditions of social exclusion, racism and discrimination, which highlights historical inequalities and extreme precariousness in basic and health services.