Malaria deaths, Malaria cases
Maphunziro Othandiza Kusankha Mwanzeru Polimbana ndi Mliri wa Edzi. Bukhu Lophunzitsira Kudzilet sa ku Edzi M’malawi
World Health Organization Chief Tells Security Council, Urging Sustained Focus to Prevent Future Outbreaks
In this report, we describe early childhood trauma and its effects, offer promising strategies for ECE programs and systems to help young children who have experienced trauma, and present recommendations for state policymakers and other stakeholders looking to support trauma-informed ECE for this vu...lnerable group.
A step-by-step guide for child protection programmes to the design and implementation of KAP survey methods. In particular, this guide will help to strengthen the quality of our research, monitoring and evaluation work, and enable Save the Children to contribute to a step-change in the child protect...ion evidence base that is so critically needed. Document also available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
“It has never been more urgent for us to come together to end HIV and tuberculosis. We achieve the most when we work together, using all of our strengths, harnessing all of our collective potential to end HIV and tuberculosis for a healthier world as part of the Sustainable Development Goals.” ...Michel Sisibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS
This brief draws out some recommendations for Ebola response actors in North Kivu. It includes lessons learned primarily from (i) historical outbreaks in Congo; (ii) outbreaks in Uganda in 2000-01 and 2012; (iii) the 2014-2016 West African epidemic; (iv) the outbreak in Equateur Province in DRC (May...- July 2018), and (v) the ongoing outbreak in North Kivu and Ituri Provinces in DRC (August 2018 - ongoing). The full report can be accessed here:
Information on what to expect of your baby as he/she grows and develops and safety concerns for your baby. Available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Serbian and Vietnamese. For other language versions go to
Die Broschüre gibt Antworten auf wichtige Fragestellungen wie etwa zur Gleichberechtigung von Männern und Fraün, zur Meinungsfreiheit, zur Religions- und Glaubensfreiheit sowie zu Rechtsangelegenheiten vor einem staatlichen Gericht. Außerdem sind in der Broschüre Kontaktadressen zu staatlichen ...und nichtstaatlichen Beratungsangeboten gesammelt, an die Sie sich wenden können, wenn Sie z.B. bedroht werden oder Probleme in Ihrer Familie haben. In den Sprachen Deutsch, Englisch, Arabisch, Urdu, Paschtu und Dari
Provides a glossary of terms for healthcare providers to better understand the concepts within trauma-informed integrated care.
A list of terms found within the Measures Review Database (MRD). This fact sheet defines various terms from the MRD to help users better understand the measures reviews.
Informationen für Migranten. Wie funktionieren deutsche Apotheken und wie bekommen Patienten Medikamente? Was ist der Unterschied zwischen verschreibungspflichtigen und apothekenpflichtigen Arzneimitteln? Was kosten Medikamente? Zu diesen und weiteren grundlegenden Fragen hat die ABDA – Bundesver...einigung Deutscher Apothekerverbände fremdsprachliche Flyer veröffentlicht. Die Flyer sind verfügbar in 12 Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Arabisch, Farsi, Paschto, Urdu, Kurdisch, Albanisch, Serbisch, Französisch, Russisch und Türkisch.