This publication outlines public health aspects of alcohol use and harm in WHO South East Asia Region Countries. It summarizes Global Regional and country specific data and also discusses aspects of alcohol control that are important in the context of the Region. The possible future trend of alcohol... use in the Region is also analysed and current and future barriers to effective alcohol control in countries of the Region are discussed.
Observations from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) WHO collaborative cross-national study
A Consumer Guide
Printed 2006
Revised 2007, 2008, 2011, 2014, and 2015
Esta hoja informativa contiene información importante sobre el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas y la COVID-19. Entre otros aspectos, se aborda la información errónea que está circulando por las redes sociales y otros canales de comunicación acerca del alcohol y la COVID 19.
Lo más importante e...s que el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas no protege en absoluto frente a la COVID-19 ni evitará que usted contraiga el virus.
Este folheto informativo contém informações importantes que você deve saber sobre o consumo de álcool e a COVID-19. Aborda, entre outras coisas, a desinformação que está sendo difundida por meio das redes sociais e outros meios de comunicação sobre o álcool e a COVID-19.
O mais important...e a ser lembrado é: o consumo de álcool não protege de forma alguma contra a COVID-19 nem previne que você seja infectado pelo vírus
Mental Health First Aid Guidelines
Accessed: 14.03.2019
The ASSIST package is developed to help the primary health professionals to detect and manage substance use and related problems in primary and general medical care settings.
Download the ASSIST screening test version 3.0 and feedback card
The ASSIST screening test version 3.0 is availa...ble in English and in 10 other languages (Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Portugüse, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian).
a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016.
The Lancet Published:November 01, 2018DOI: