9th edition; 4th English edition 2020
Disaster Preparedness Training Programme
The guide is divided into 3 sections —the first focuses on the conceptual framework for M&E; the second focuses on six key steps for M&E; and further, the appendix provides additional tools, resources, and projects for M&E. With a comprehensive breakdown of the important approaches as well as a ch...ecklist approach to the setting up of a monitoring and evaluation framework, this guide works for almost everyone
نظام مغشوش
سياسات الحكومة السورية لاستغلال المساعدات الإنسانية وتمويل إعادة الإعمار
MEDBOX Issue Brief no. 6
This issue brief gives you an overview of the most important documents on humanitarian aid and the WASH sector in MEDBOX
In the event of an accident or medical emergency, First Aid saves lives. Keeping the patient alive and safe until the arrival of expert professional help is a vital part of the chain of care which leads to recovery. The principle of First Aid must be simple skills, clearly taught and capable of bein...g performed in a stressful situation by those with no medical training. This manual is intended to offer a basic level of First Aid for members of the general public.
The contents of this manual are offered as a first edition of European First Aid Guidelines for general use. As such they are compatible with current practise, with other specialist guidelines (for example regarding the management of burns) and with the evidence base where one exists. These guidelines will be updated on a regular basis by the JOIN Clinical Working Group.
Four initiatives have estimated the value of aid for reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health
(RMNCH): Countdown to 2015, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), the Muskoka Initiative, and
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) policy marker. We... aimed to compare the
estimates, trends, and methodologies of these initiatives and make recommendations for future aid tracking.
The number of new Ebola infections in Sierra Leone is declining, despite the outbreak continuing to claim lives. New cases have dropped to around 9-12 per week, according to recent WHO figures. There were over 500 cases per week at the height of the crisis around late November 2014.
The impact on t...he lives of the thousands of people directly affected by the disease has been devastating. It has caused substantial suffering to many others, leaving the population very vulnerable.
When terrible things happen in our communities, countries and the world, we want to reach out a helping hand to those who are affected. This guide covers
psychological first aid which involves humane, supportive and practical help to fellow human beings suffering serious crisis events. It is writt...en for people in a position to help others who have experienced an extremely distressing event. It gives a framework for supporting people in ways that respect their dignity, culture and abilities. Despite its name, psychological first aid covers both social and psychological support.
Available in various languages: http://www.who.int/mental_health/publications/guide_field_workers/en/
As knowledge on Ebola-related safety measures accumulates, this guidance is provisional. This guide focuses on psychological first aid, which involves humane, supportive and practical help to follow human beings suffering serious crisis events. The guidance has been written for people who help othe...rs during Ebola virus disease outbreaks.
لإسعافات الأولية النفسية: دليل العاملين في الميدان
This guide covers psychological first aid which involves humane, supportive and practical help to fellow human beings suffering serious crisis events. It is written for people in a position to help other...s who have experienced an extremely distressing event. It gives a framework for supporting people in ways that respect their dignity, culture and abilitiies.
Is the first appendix for the Psychological First Aid Field for Schools (PFA-S) Operations Guide. This appendix provides recommendations for school staff (including principals and administrators, teachers, health-related professionals, and support staff) on providing Psychological First Aid at a sch...ool.
Данное руководство разработано в качестве стандартного пособия по оказанию первой психологической помощи для использования в странах с низким и средним уровнем ...охода. Приведенная здесь информация является типовой, и ее следует соответствующим образом адаптировать к местным условиям и культурным особенностям людей, которым вы будете оказывать помощь. В этой публикации, одобренной многими международными организациями, отражены новые научные данные и общее мнение международного профессионального сообщества об оптимальных путях оказания поддержки людям, только что пережившим тяжелые травмирующие события.
This guidance note on Syria is the first in a series of comprehensive Q&As, which aims to give practical guidance on how to comply with EU sanctions when providing humanitarian aid, in particular medical assistance, to fight the coronavirus pandemic. By clarifying the responsibilities and processes ...for the provision of this aid, this note should facilitate the task of humanitarian operators in Syria. It should speed up the channelling of equipment and assistance to fight the coronavirus pandemic in Syria. It is addressed to all actors involved in the supply of humanitarian aid, such as the competent authorities of EU Member States, which manage the implementation of EU sanctions, and public and private operators (donors, NGOs, banks and other actors involved in humanitarian activities), which must comply with EU sanctions when providing assistance.