The overview of findings from five Latin American countries
This compendium collates current tools and resources on quality improvement developed by the WHO Service Delivery and Safety Department and provides examples of how the tools and resources have been applied in country settings. The target audience for this document are ministries of health, facility... quality improvement teams, researchers and development agencies. WHO technical programmes, regional and country offices can also use the document in their technical cooperation work with the identified audience. Those working to improve the quality of health service delivery can also make good use of this resource
BMC Medicine (2015) 13:42 DOI 10.1186/s12916-014-0263-6
Cureus. 2015 Nov; 7(11): e372.
Published online 2015 Nov 3. doi: 10.7759/cureus.372
PMCID: PMC4671837
PMID: 26677422
The Capacity Project worked to strengthen HRIS in several low-resource countries to assist decision-makers and human resources managers in identifying and responding to critical gaps in HRH. The findings and recommendations in this report cover the Capacity Project’s implementation of HRIS in Swaz...iland, Rwanda and Uganda.
Global concerns: Implications for the future
Child Mental Health Atlas
The WHO Global strategy on human resources for health: workforce 2030 encourages development partners and global health initiatives to leverage their support to health systems in countries to sustainably strengthen the health workforce. To assess the impact of these investments, a methodology was de...veloped and pilot tested by WHO.
The impact assessment tool (consisting of an MS Excel calculator with two subsets) supports users to:
• assess and quantify the health impact of HRH investments made in the context of HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria programmes through their modelled effect on health service coverage of these three diseases; and
• provide aggregate indicative estimates of the range of health workers required to attain high coverage of selected health services.
The Panorama Perspectives: Conversations on Planetary Health report series aims to inspire new thinking, conversations, and engagement with planetary health and other integrated concepts. Collaboration and open knowledge sharing across sectors are necessary to solve the complex global health and dev...elopment problems of today. These reports are intended as practical tools, presenting actionable opportunities to advance planetary health.Each report expands on knowledge gathered from many sources, including analysis of publicly available reports and data; forums and events; group discussions; and individual conversations
Following a radiation incident such as an improvised nuclear device (IND) detonation, state and local response authorities will need to establish one or more population monitoring and decontamination facilities to assess
people for radioactive exposure, contamination, and the need for
decontamin...ation or other medical follow-up. These facilities are known as community reception centers (CRCs). The basic services offered at a CRC include the following: screening people for radioactive contamination, assisting people with washing or decontamination, registering people for subsequent follow-up, and prioritizing people for further care. This guide
describes the function of each station of a CRC and provides a question bank and other information to guide data collection at each station. A question bank format was chosen to provide the user the ability to tai
lor the data collection tool to fit a particular incident and/or locality.
The CRC data collection tool is designed for CRC staff to fill out the information collected from the individual being assessed.
Background book on Management of the Child with a Serious Infection or Severe Malnutrition
Marco Schäferhoff and colleagues critique funding estimates for the maternal and child health Millennium Development Goals, and make recommendations for improving the tracking of financing flows and estimating the costs of scaling up interventions for mothers and children.
Every day in 2020, approximately 800 women died from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth - meaning that a woman dies around every two minutes.
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 3.1 is to reduce maternal mortality to less than 70 maternal deaths per 100 000 live births by ...2030.
The United Nations Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-Agency Group (MMEIG) – comprising WHO, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Bank Group and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (UNDESA/Population Division) has collaborated with external technical experts on a new round of estimates covering 2000 to 2020. The estimates represent the most up to date, internationally-comparable MMEIG estimates of maternal mortality, using refined input data and methods from previous rounds.
The report presents internationally comparable global, regional and country-level estimates and trends for maternal mortality between 2000 and 2020.
The Lancet Planetary Health Volume 6, ISSUE 4, e342-e349, April 01, 2022. Human impacts on earth-system processes are overshooting several planetary boundaries, driving a crisis of ecological breakdown. This crisis is being caused in large part by global resource extraction, which has increased dra...matically over the past half century. We propose a novel method for quantifying national responsibility for ecological breakdown by assessing nations’ cumulative material use in excess of equitable and sustainable boundaries.
As countries commit to achieving universal health coverage, it is imperative to ensure that the design and delivery of palliative care services place attention on quality of care, with action needed across all domains of quality health services: effectiveness, safety, people-centredness, timeliness,... equity, integration and efficiency. Providing compassionate, dignified and people-centred palliative care is an ethical responsibility of health systems.
This document provides a practical resource to support implementation of sustainable improvements in the quality of palliative care. It describes approaches to quality policy, strategy and planning for palliative care programmes and services, presents learning on quality of care arising from palliative care programmes, and offers considerations on measurement of quality palliative care services at all levels of the health system. The document also highlights relevant WHO resources available that further support the development of quality palliative care services.
The audience for this document is a general one that includes policy-makers, palliative care service planners, managers, practitioners and health care providers at all levels.
The recently published World Health Organization (WHO) Strengthening infection prevention and control in primary care document collates existing standards, measurement and implementation approaches, and resources for infection prevention and control (IPC) in primary care. During its development, it ...became apparent that a number of already existing tools and resources have the potential to support facility-level implementation of IPC in primary care.
This toolkit brings together in one place a number of these tools and resources from WHO and other organizations, with a focus on those most relevant to primary care. These tools and resources have been compiled to support facility-level implementation in line with the recommended WHO IPC Hub and Task Force multimodal approach.
The primary audience of this report with the compendium of resources are youth engagement practitioners in the Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies as well as technical experts and policy makers across the humanitarian landscape that thrive for meaningful interventions with and for children, ad...olescents, and young adults experiencing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This compendium represents a curated, pragmatic and non-prescriptive collection of tools and resources to support the implementation of interventions to improve quality of care in such contexts. Relevant tools and resources are listed under five areas: Ensuring access and basic infrastructure for qu...ality; shaping the system environment; reducing harm; improving clinical care; and engaging and empowering patients, families and communities.
This brief provides key considerations for engaging communities on COVID-19 and tips for how to engage where there are movement restrictions and physical distancing measures in place, particularly in low-resource settings.
This study explored family adjustment and access to rehabilitative services for children with Down syndrome, between 0-5 years of age, in the ecoculture of Petchaburi Province, Thailand.