Guidance for Asia Pacific National Societies.
This document provides guidance for Asia Pacific National Societies on how to include migrants and displaced people in COVID-19 preparedness and response activities.
Many migrants find themselves with limited access, if any, to information about risks, prevention measures, health care and other essential services. Migrants in transit, those in need of international protection or without legal status are likely to be particularly vulnerable, as well as those who ...are homeless, held in detention, living in camps, formal or informal settlements or otherwise precarious conditions
The COVID-19 outbreak has restricted global mobility, whilst heightening the risk of exploitation of vulnerable populations. This report provides a snapshot of the COVID-19 epidemiological situation and mobility restrictions, and of the current migration trends along the Eastern Corridor migration r...oute, in addition to an analysis of the impact that movement restrictions have had in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Yemen. Moreover, it provides information on the main protection concerns for migrants and assistance provided, and COVID-19 risk mitigation measures. This report utilizes data collected through IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs), Migrant Response Centres (MRCs), Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) data, as well as anecdotal information provided by IOM team members working in the region.
Zugewanderten Menschen mit Behinderung, die nicht ausreichend Deutsch sprechen, bleibt ohne Sprachmittlung dervolle Zugang zu grundlegenden Rechten versperrt. Besonders deutlich wird dies im Bereich medizinischer Leistungen. Daher ist es not-wendig, einen umfassenden Anspruch auf die F...inanzierung qualitativer Dolmet-schleistungen gesetzlich festzuschreiben.
The study is based on in-depth, semi-structured qualitative interviews with 60 Syrians who arrived in Spain between 2015 and 2017.
This World Migration Report 2018 is the ninth in the series. Since 2000, IOM has been producing world migration reports to contribute to increased understanding of migration throughout the world. This new edition presents key data and information on migration as well as thematic chapters on highly t...opical migration issues.
Orientación para las Sociedades Nacionales de las Américas
La Estrategia regional se dirige a los principales países de acogida de la población refugiada y migrante proveniente de Venezuela; en particular, a las instituciones gubernamentales que tienen algún grado de competencia en la integración socioeconómica de esta población y a las organizaciones... de empleadores y trabajadores, con el ánimo de promover el diálogo social alrededor de este ámbito.
This routine assessment supports the targeting and provision of humanitarian assistance to the affected population and serves as a preliminary source to identify oblasts and hromadas hosting high numbers of IDPs.
Este informe se conforma del resumen ejecutivo, metodología, contextualización de la población migrante venezolana en República Dominicana, contextualización de la inversión y empresariado; un informe descriptivo de los resultados de campo; el impacto económico real e impacto económico poten...cial y barreras de inserción de la población migrante venezolana en República Dominicana; y por último, consideraciones finales que incluyen recomendaciones y lecciones aprendidas, conclusiones y anexos.
Burma - Complex Emergency Rakhine Crisis Response Fact Sheet #3, Fiscal Year (FY) 2018
Commissioned by Plan International the report draws on data from research conducted in Bangladesh in April 2018. It explores how adolescent girls within two age brackets (10-14 and 15-19) understand the unique impact the crisis has upon them, and how they have responded to the challenges they face.<>
Despite the numbers of adolescent girls affected so profoundly by the ongoing Rohingya crisis, and of course, by many crises around the world, it is rare that either their own communities or the humanitarian sector at large pay much attention to them. This research is an attempt to rectify that: to acknowledge that girls and young women do have rights and that their ideas are worth listening to and acting upon.
Among the many learnings, we discovered that girls feel isolated. They have settled among strangers, and parents worry about their safety, keeping them even more trapped inside their new, makeshift homes.
75% of girls interviewed said they have no ability to make decisions about their own lives.
Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 7 million people who campaign for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all.
Our vision is for every person to enjoy all the rights
enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards. We ...are independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion and are funded mainly by our membership and public donations.
A new report released today documents an “invisible wall” which has blocked migrants from accessing basic services since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and is now preventing them from accessing vaccines.
The second edition of the “A Region on the Move” report provides an overview of population movement trends in West and Central Africa in 2021. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of mobility in the region and showcase the versatility, multidimensionality and nuances of regional mobility West and Central Africa.