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updated 31 March 2016
[Preface]. For more than forty years Primary Health Care (PHC) has been recognized as the cornerstone of an effective and responsive health system. The Alma-Ata Declaration of 1978 reaffirmed the right to the highest attainable level of health, with equity, solidarity and the right to health as its ...core values. It stressed the need for comprehensive health services, not only curative but services that addressed needs in terms of health promotion, prevention, rehabilitation and treatment of common conditions. A strong resolutive first level of care is the basis for health system development [...] The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) has supported the countries in the establishment of interprofessional PHC teams, in the transformation of health education and in building capacity in the strategic planning, and management of human resources for health. Nursing can play a critical role in advancing PHC. New profiles such as the advanced practice nurses, as discussed in this document, can be fundamental in this effort, and in particular, in health promotion, disease prevention and care, especially in rural and underserved areas.
El documento La carga de los trastornos mentales en la Región de las Américas, 2018 tiene como propósito mejorar la evaluación de las necesidades en materia de salud mental en la Región de las Américas al presentar un panorama actualizado y matizado de: a) la discapacidad debida a los trastorn...os mentales, por consumo de sustancias y trastornos neurológicos específicos, más la autoagresión (TMNS), tanto sola como en combinación con la mortalidad prematura; b) el desequilibrio entre el gasto en salud mental y la carga de enfermedad relacionada; y c) la asignación inadecuada de los exiguos gastos en salud mental por parte de los países de la Región
El informe Indicadores básicos 2019: tendencias de la salud en las Américas comienza con un panorama demográfico de la Región que muestra los cambios que han ocurrido a lo largo de los últimos 25 años. Estos indicadores demográficos proporcionan un contexto útil para comprender mejor las car...acterísticas de la población y el efecto que tienen en la salud. Los gráficos están acompañados de breves descripciones en las que se destaca la información más importante.
This document compiles the recommendations made by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to help professionals in charge of vector control programs in Latin America and the Caribbean at the national, subnational, and local level update their knowledge in... order to make evidence-based decisions on the most appropriate control measures for each specific situation. IVM can be used for surveillance and control or for elimination of VBDs and can help reduce the development of insecticide resistance through the rational use of these products. This document provides instructions for fulfillment of the 2008 PAHO mandate set forth in CD 48/13 (Integrated Vector Management).
El presente documento reúne un conjunto de recomendaciones formuladas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) para ayudar, a los profesionales encargados de los programas de control de vectores de Latinoamérica y el Caribe a nivel nacional, ...subnacional y local, a actualizar y tomar decisiones basadas en la evidencia sobre las medidas de control más apropiadas para cada situación específica. El MIV puede utilizarse cuando la meta es la vigilancia y el control o la eliminación (dependiendo de la situación específica) de las ETV y puede contribuir a reducir el desarrollo de la Resistencia a los insecticidas mediante el uso racional de estos productos. Este documento contiene las instrucciones para llevar a cabo el mandato de la OPS del 2008 sobre el control integrado de vectores (resolución CD48.R8, documento CD48/13) y, en particular, complementa una serie de guías de la OMS publicadas en el 2012
Este documento reúne um conjunto de recomendações formuladas pela OMS e pela OPAS para ajudar os profissionais responsáveis pelos programas de controle de vetores nas Américas em nível nacional, subnacional e local a se atualizarem e tomarem decisões baseadas em evidências sobre as medidas d...e controle mais apropriadas para cada situação. O MIV pode ser utilizado quando o objetivo é a vigilância e o controle ou a eliminação (dependendo da situação específica) das DTVs e pode ajudar a reduzir o desenvolvimento de resistência aos inseticidas pelo uso racional desses produtos. Este documento contém instruções para a execução do mandato de 2008 da OPAS sobre o manejo integrado de vetores (resolução CD48.R8, documento CD48/13) e, em particular, complementa uma série de diretrizes da OMS publicadas em 2012
Care for persons with noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a major health priority for most countries worldwide, particularly for low-middle income countries where the problem seems to be worsening. Globally,... research demonstrates that the vast majority of people with NCDs receive suboptimal care. Many people living with chronic conditions remain undiagnosed and unaware of their condition, while many others remain untreated or with inadequate control. Meanwhile the premature mortality caused by NCDs remains high in many countries. In response to the global epidemic of NCDs, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases in 2012, which establishes 9 voluntary global targets and indicators to be considered by Member States when formu- lating national plans to combat NCDs.
While much progress has been achieved over the past year, the Region of the Americas has stubbornly remained the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. PAHO is launching its 2021 COVID-19 Response Strategy and Donor Appeal to continue supporting Latin American and Caribbean countries and territories i...n their fight against COVID-19. This document outlines PAHO’s regional strategy for the year 2021 to sustain and scale-up the response to COVID‑19 pandemic in the Americas, suppress the community transmission of the virus and mitigate the longer-term health impact of the pandemic.
US$ 239 million is needed to support critical response efforts in the Americas between 1 January and 31 December 2021
This document describes the essential interventions in mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) that should be developed on an intersectoral basis in countries and communities. Its frame of reference is the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) intervention pyramid for MHPSS services. The pyr...amid shows different levels of support, ranging from social considerations, safety, and basic needs, to the provision of specialized services for the management of more severe conditions, as well as the probable volume of demand at each established level.
Available in Spanisch, Portuguese and English
This third edition of the landscape analysis provides regional and country-specific data. This report illustrates the complexities in surveillance of influenza and other respiratory viruses and highlights differences in the countries’ preparedness capacities through charts, infographics, tables, a...nd brief narratives.
The proposed roadmap includes components and recommended actions to eliminate these neglected infectious diseases from the Americas.
Mental health is critical to personal well-being, interpersonal relationships, and successful contributions to society. Mental health conditions consequently impose a high burden not only on individuals, families and society, but also on economies. In Jamaica, mental health conditions are highly pre...valent and major contributors to morbidity, disability, and premature mortality.
The 12th Meeting of the Regional Certification Commission (RCC) for the Polio Endgame in the Region of the Americas was conducted virtually due to the pandemic of COVID-19. The meeting was composed of 5 steps:
Step 1: An introductory meeting between RCC members and Secretariat
Step 2: Assessment... of the annual and containment reports by the reviewers
Step 3: Observations and recommendations review
Step 4: A meeting between RCC Chair and the Secretariat to review the draft report and general recommendations of the meeting
Step 5: RCC meeting to review and approve the recommendations to each country and the final report and recommendations of the meeting