In 2014 UNICEF, WHO and the World Bank report new joint estimates of child malnutrition using available data up to 2013 The Interactive dashboard allows users to generate a variety of graphs and charts, using the newest joint estimates of prevalence and numbers for child stunting, underweight, overw...eight, wasting and severe wasting. Users can select the different regional country groupings of the UN, MDG, UNICEF, WHO regions as well as World Bank income groups and geographic regions to present the data.
A summary of 4 pages presents the key findings for each indicator, an introduction to the dashboard and updates on methods
Key Findings (in booklet form) from the 2013 Rwanda Malaria Indicator Survey. The 2013 Rwanda Malaria Indicator Survey (RMIS) assessed malaria knowledge, prevention, and treatment practices. Over 4,700 households were interviewed.
结核病定义和报告框架 2013年修订版
(updated December 2014).
This report has been developed, based on data provided by the TB & ORD surveillance system from across Rwanda. It provides a comprehensive picture of the occurrence and management of TB & ORD and Leprosy in Rwanda. It is structured based on the 2013-2018 Rwanda TB national strategic plan (2013-2018 ...TB NSP) and on the 2014-2018 Rwanda Leprosy national strategic plan (2014-2018 Leprosy NSP).
The 2013 RMIS is a nationally representative, household-based survey that provides data on malaria indicators, which are used to assess the progress of a malaria control program. The primary objective of the 2013 Rwanda Malaria Indicator Survey (2013 RMIS) was to provide up-to date information on th...e prevention of malaria to policymakers, planners, and researchers.