Swahili version of How to use a partograph.
Translation and voice over thanks to Alex Mureithi and Zawadi Machibya and their colleagues at the BBC Swahili Service
A vital tool for the care of every woman in labour. The partograph is a graphic record of vital observations during the course of labo...ur in order to assess its progress and carry out appropriate interventions if and when necessary. Correct use of the partograph can help prevent and manage prolonged or obstructed labour and serious complications, including ruptured uterus, obstetric fistula, and stillbirth. The partograph was developed in Africa (Zimbabwe in about 1970) and has become adopted worldwide.
Swahili Language version of How to plan a pregnancy.
Translation thanks to Yussuf Hamad
Swahili Language version of Management of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH): Low Resource Setting. It is a film showing how to manage postpartum haemorrhage in a low resource setting by an unskilled birth attendant.
Translation thanks to Yussuf Hamad & Ritva Niemi
Swahili Language version of What pregnant women should eat.
It is a film showing what women should try to eat during pregnancy to stay healthy and lower the risk of complications during delivery to themselves and their baby.
Swahili language version of the film for Breastfeeding (0 to 6 months).Aimed at community health workers to help facilitate training on nutrition to communities and other health workers.
Translation courtesy of Yussuf Hamad
Fact sheet Cholera in Creole
This poster set includes water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) posters to teach about good WASH practices, including household water treatment technologies. The poster set also includes text for each poster with key messages and questions to check for understanding with the group or individual.
This poster set includes water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) posters to teach about good WASH practices, including household water treatment technologies.
For full publication visit: http://hesperian.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf/sw_hmx/sw_denguefeverrflyer_HelenMtui_2014.pdf
Accessed October 2014