These posters are great for tippy taps that are built in public areas like schools or village meeting areas. They list the benefits of the tippy tap as well as highlight a country or region specific hand washing statistic.
Marathi version
Accessed 13 January 2015
These posters are great for tippy taps that are built in public areas like schools or village meeting areas. They list the benefits of the tippy tap as well as highlight a country or region specific hand washing statistic.
Kannada version
Accessed 13 January 2015
Son 16 cartillas educativas que contiene la presente publicación y que se ponen a disposición del docente, como un mecanismo ágil y sencillo que permita la reflexión y el análisis de situaciones de la vida diaria, relacionadas a la salud, las cuales permitirán mediante una aplicación continua... , promover prácticas saludables fundamentales, para lograr una cultura en salud en los alumnos de las instituciones educativas públicas, lo cual permitirá mejorar su calidad de vida.
Son 16 cartillas educativas que contiene la presente publicación y que se ponen a disposición del docente, como un mecanismo ágil y sencillo que permita la reflexión y el análisis de situaciones de la vida diaria, relacionadas a la salud, las cuales permitirán mediante una aplicación continua... , promover prácticas saludables fundamentales, para lograr una cultura en salud en los alumnos de las instituciones educativas públicas, lo cual permitirá mejorar su calidad de vida.
How can fish help reduce malnutrition?
Small fish, eaten whole, with organs and bones are particulary rich in calcium and some are also rich in Vitamin A, iron and zinc. These nutrients in fish are more effectively absorbed by the body than those from plant-source food.
p. 1 English
p.... 2 Burmese
Handbook for HIV/Aids Training
Strengthening competency based training of health care providers for Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child & Adolescenct Health (RMNCH + A) services
Swahili Version of Administration of parenteral antibiotics.Translation and voice over thanks to Alex Mureithi and Zawadi Machibya and their colleagues at the BBC Swahili Service.
This film shows how to give antibiotics correctly during pregnancy. It explains the “6 rights” of drug administra...tion – the right drug, the right patient, the right dose, the right time, the right route, and the right paperwork.
The film is for use in health worker training
Mwongozo huu umebeba taarifa, shughuli na maelekezo kuhusu teknolojia mbalimbali rahisi ambazo zinaweza kuwasaidia waelimishaji wa afya, wanaharakati wa mazingira, na viongozi wa jamii kuchukua hatamu ya afya ya mazingira yao.
A Community Guide to Environmental Health, translated by COBIHESA
Important Information you need to know about diabetes.
What you need to know about cancer and how to prevent it.