This film is the Bemba version of our English film: Food For Life - Breastfeeding (Birth to 6 months)
This film is the Bemba version of our English film: Is your child sick - identifying a sick child (pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria)
This film is the Bemba version of our English film: Focused Antenatal Care (FANC.)
Take Action on Antimicrobial Resistance. For Farmers
This volume is specifically meant for health professionals. It is titled "tackling microbial resistance: a story of health professionals playing their part".
Ujumbe kwa jamii: "kukabiliana na usugu wa dawa za kuua vijasumu- hadithi zinazohusu jamii inavyoshiriki kwa kutekeleza wajibu wake".
Ujumbe kwa jamii: "kukabiliana na usugu wa dawa za kuua vijasumu- hadithi zinazohusu jamii inavyoshiriki kwa kutekeleza wajibu wake".
This film is the Luganda version of 'Food for Life: Breastfeeding' - this was dubbed locally in Uganda, thanks to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
This film is the Luganda version of 'Warning Signs in Pregnancy' - this was dubbed locally in Uganda, thanks to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
This film is the Luganda version of 'Is your child sick? Identifying signs of pneumonia, malaria and diarrhoea.' This was locally dubbed in Uganda, thanks to Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
Accessed 26 June 2015
A prepared Community is a safe Community