dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19
This toolkit aims to provide you with a brief introduction of what SA and its core principles are, and how you as a student can apply several of the existing tools for your own school to really make a difference.
French, Spanish and Arabic Version available: https://ifmsa.org/social-acc...ountability/
It has been over a year since Kenya identified the first case of COVID-19 in the country. The Government formed the National COVID-19 task force, which supported the country's response through multi-sectoral technical working groups on testing, case management, risk communication and community engag...ement among others. An earlier version of the COVID case management guideline was released in April 2020 and capacity building of health care workers on diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 was quickly carried out, even as counties prepared themselves by setting up isolation centres and supplies
Orientations provisoires
1er avril 2020
Les États Membres doivent améliorer les pratiques d’hygiène des mains de manière ambitieuse afin d’aider à prévenir la transmission du virus de la COVID-19 :
1. en fournissant un accès universel à des postes publics d’hygiène des mains et ...en rendant leur utilisation obligatoire à l’entrée et à la sortie de tout bâtiment commercial public ou privé et de tout lieu de transport public ;
2. en améliorant l’accès aux installations et aux pratiques d’hygiène des mains dans les établissements de santé.
Productive and Inclusive Cities for an Emerging Democratic Republic of Congo
Cet outil peut être utilisé pour améliorer la qualité du programme ASC. Pour identifier et combler les lacunes dans la conception et la mise en œuvre du programme ASC, veuillez compléter les informations ci-dessous
Guide technique pour la prise en charge des maladies cardiovasculaires dans le cadre des soins de santé primaires
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar is at a historic moment, with a new civilian government assuming power in 2016. The country graduated to lower-middle-income status in 2015, and has made significant progress in reducing poverty, improving food security and addressing malnutrition.
The remai...ning challenges to food and nutrition security and achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 2 targets include continued population displacements resulting from conflict, vulnerability to extreme weather events, poverty, limited social protection coverage, high malnutrition and persistent gender inequalities.
Maldives has made significant strides in the area of infectious disease prevention and control. This is exemplified by elimination of malaria from Maldives in 2015 and successes in TB control. In addition, Maldives is a front runner in infectious disease prevention through successful water, sanitati...on, hygiene and vaccination campaigns and coverage. However, given the limited evidence that exists with respect to the occurrence of resistant organisms in the nation, it is hard to estimate the exact antimicrobial resistance (AMR) scenario. Also, it becomes difficult to compare the current situation with other countries in the region. Moreover, limited evidence exists on the trends of use of antimicrobial agents (AMA) in Maldives. Although, recent prescription audits have indicated overuse of antibiotics, especially for common conditions such as flu, cough and fever.
Over 2 million children worldwide are living with HIV infection and 95% reside in sub-Saharan Africa with the majority infected through mother-to-child transmission. Infected children have a high mortality with 50% dying by 2 years of age. Their clinical presentation includes common childhood infect...ions, opportunistic infections and conditions associated with HIV/AIDS immune suppression.
This toolkit for integrated vector management (IVM) is designed to help national and regional programme managers coordinate across sectors to design and run large IVM programmes.
The toolkit provides the technical detail required to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate an IVM approach. IVM can be ...used when the aim is to control or eliminate vector-borne diseases and can also contribute to insecticide resistance management. This toolkit provides information on where vector-borne diseases are endemic and what interventions should be used, presenting case studies on IVM as well as relevant guidance documents for reference.
The diseases that are the focus of this toolkit are malaria, lymphatic filariasis, dengue, leishmaniasis, onchocerciasis, human African trypanosomiasis and schistosomiasis. It also includes information on other viral diseases (Rift Valley fever, West Nile fever, Chikungunya, yellow fever) and trachoma. If other vector-borne diseases appear in a country or area, vector control with an IVM approach should be adopted, as per national priorities.