A Training Course for Service Providers
Training Manual
Building on earlier EngenderHealth work in counseling, Counseling for Effective Use of Family Planning responds to an identified gap in existing materials and fills the needs expressed by those in the field. The intended audiences for this curriculum are health care providers, their... supervisors, and the managers of the programs in which they work. The counseling skills addressed here are expected to be relevant to the provision of both preventive and curative health services through the workshop participants’ national health systems. Finally, the curriculum’s participatory approach to defining terms and to generating profiles of potential clients is designed to assist trainees in addressing the realities and exploring the reproductive health priorities of their communities in a culturally appropriate manner.
The publication of the Second Edition of the Emergency Drug Guidelines represents the culmination of the efforts of the National Drugs and Therapeutics Committee (NDTC) to publish clinical drug guidelines for common diseases seen in Fiji. These guidelines are targeted for health care professionals w...orking at hospitals and at the primary health care settings. It sets the gold standard for the use of drugs in the treatment of emergency medical conditions in Fiji. The guidelines have taken into account the drugs available in the Fiji Essential Medicines Formulary (EMF), 2006 Edition, in recommending treatment approaches. All recommended therapies are either evidencebased or universally accepted standards
Health Systems for Outcomes Publication | The government of Rwanda has identified human resources for health as one of its policy priorities. This study aims to contribute to building a better understanding of health worker choice and behaviour, and to improve evidence based polcies.
This field guide is designed for use by FHI 360 staff and partner organizations responsible for ensuring quality clinical services, at both facility and non-facility levels. The guide provides general information on how to organize, implement and follow up on quality assurance/quality improvement cl...inical facility and service assessments.
The accompanying checklists are intended to be used with the clinical facility assessment guide.
Integrated Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
Interim Guidelines for health workers at health centre or district hospital outpatient clinic
The concept of mental disorder is determined by many factors, including the historical context, cultural influence, level of scientific knowledge and capacity to carry out scientific enquiry, level of education in certain circumstances, as well as many others. In putting together a method of classif...ication of mental disorders, the expert’s duty is primarily that of capturing and remaining faithful to the current level of knowledge in the subject, acknowledging that, in a matter of time, some or all the above factors could change to variable degrees, making what was clear as a mental disorder a few decades previously less clear in the next edition of the classification system.
A practical manual presenting the specific knowledge, skills and practices that First Aiders should have to act safely and effectively when caring for people caught up in armed conflicts and other situations of violence, such as internal disturbances and tensions.